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May 10, 2011 BCC Meeting Summary

May 10, 2011 BCC Meeting Summary

Santa Fe – May 11, 2011 – Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners:

The minutes of the April 12, 2011 BCC meeting were unanimously [5-0] approved.

The following proclamations were unanimously [5-0] approved:

Recognizing the achievements of the Pojoaque Pueblo Boys & Girls Club Youth: Marissa Martinez was honored as New Mexico State Youth of the Year and David Neuman-Roper as Pojoaque Junior Youth of the Year.

Recognizing the Town of Madrid’s Oscar Huber Memorial Ballpark Restored Grandstand. The ballpark is believed to have been the first electrically lit ballpark west of the Mississippi. There will be a Grand Opening on May 30 (Memorial Day) at 10a.m.

The month of May was officially proclaimed Teen Pregnancy Awareness Month. New Mexico has the second highest teen birth rate in the nation.

National Emergency Medical Services Week is the week of May 15 and recognizes the accomplishments of all members of the emergency medical care team, including dispatchers, first responders, firefighters, law enforcement officers, emergency medical technicians and paramedics in Santa Fe County.

Commissioner Robert Anaya was unanimously elected to serve as a member of the New Mexico Association of Counties Workers’ Compensation Pool Board.

The following items were unanimously [5-0] approved under the Consent Calendar:
• Final orders in BCC Case MIS 11-5040 – Williams Blecher Vacation of Easement and CDRC Case # V 10-5530 – Sturrock Variances
• Acceptance of a price agreement with Wagner for the lease of heavy equipment for Santa Fe County
• Acceptance of contracts for stenographic and transcriptions services with Wordswork and Jo Ann’s Secretarial Services

Community Services Department:
• A contract was approved [5-0] for the construction of the Western Regional Headquarter/Rancho Viejo Fire Station with the lowest responsible bidder, Lockwood Construction Company
• Approval [5-0] was granted to release $595,830 for the purchase of a water tender for the Stanley Fire District and a fire engine for the Turquoise Trail Fire District. The funding was obtained through grants, State Fire Fund, etc.
• The extreme weather conditions pose a significant fire hazard and imminent threat to the safety, health and welfare of Santa Fe County. An Emergency Ordinance was approved [5-0] that imposes restriction on open fires, smoking and other ignition sources.

Matters From the County Manager:
• Jose Varela-Lopez was selected (3-2) as the County’s nominee to the Legislative Representative District 43, with Commissioner Mayfield and Commissioner Stefanics voting against.
• Sustainable Land Development Code Public Input Meeting Schedule
All Meetings will start at 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, May 18 at the Edgewood Middle School
Thursday, May 19 at the Galisteo Community Center
Wednesday, May 25 at the County Administration Building (BCC Chambers)
Thursday, May 26 at the Sombrillo Elementary School

Growth Management:
BCC Case # MIS 11-5130 Supper Club at Real Food Nation Restaurant License – Approved unanimously
BCC Case # MIS 11-5120 Mike’s Fine Wine & Spirits Liquor License – Approved unanimously
BCC Case # MIS 05-5502 Hacienda del Alamo Master Plan Extension and Final Order – Approved unanimously
BCC Case # MIS 02-5053 Sonterra Master Plan Extension – Approved unanimously
CDRC Case # V 11-5010 Bernie Romero Variance – Approved unanimously
CDRC Case # V 10-5240 Ronald Crawford Variance – Approved unanimously
BCC Case # V 11- 5140 Rezoning of Polk Property – Denied 3-2, Commissioners Holian, Stefanics and Vigil voting to deny, Anaya and Mayfield voting for rezoning
BCC Case # MIS 02-4325 La Pradera Master Plat Authorization – Approved 3-2, Commissioners Anaya, Holian and Vigil voting in favor, Mayfield and Stefanics voting against

All BCC meetings are broadcast live at To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, go to or check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days once they are approved at