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May 14, 2019 BCC Summary

May 14, 2019 BCC Summary


Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC) at their regular meeting on May 14, 2019.  Four (4) Commissioners were present, Commissioner Henry Roybal was excused. 


Opening Business


Members present
Anna C Hansen, Anna T Hamilton, Ed Moreno, Rudy N Garcia


·         The minutes of the April 9, 2019 Board of County Commissioners Regular Meeting were approved 4-0 with corrections.  Staff recommended Approval.

o   Motion by Anna C Hansen, second by Ed Moreno.

o   Final Resolution: Motion Carries.

o   Yea: Anna C Hansen, Anna T Hamilton, Ed Moreno, Rudy N Garcia


·         The minutes of the April 9, 2019 Board of County Commissioners Special Budget Meeting Minutes were approved 4-0 with corrections.  Staff recommended approval.

o   Motion by Anna C Hansen, second by Ed Moreno.

o   Final Resolution: Motion Carries

o   Yea: Anna C Hansen, Anna T Hamilton, Ed Moreno, Rudy N Garcia


·         The minutes of the April 23, 2019 Board of County Commissioners Special Budget Meeting Minutes were approved 4-0 with corrections.  Staff recommended approval.

o   Motion by Anna C Hansen, second by Ed Moreno.

o   Final Resolution: Motion Carries

o   Yea: Anna C Hansen, Anna T Hamilton, Ed Moreno, Rudy N Garcia


·         Retirement Recognition for Santa Fe County Chief Deputy Clerk Victoria “Vicki” Trujillo For Her Years Of Service as Chief Deputy Clerk in the Santa Fe County Clerk’s office.


·         Approval of a Proclamation Honoring Victoria Trujillo for her Outstanding Service as Deputy County Clerk for Santa Fe County.  Staff recommended approval.

o   Motion by Ed Moreno, second by Rudy N. Garcia.

o   Final Resolution: Motion Carries

o   Yea: Anna C Hansen, Anna T Hamilton, Ed Moreno, Rudy N Garcia


Consent Agenda (Action Items)

Motion by Ed Moreno, second by Rudy N Garcia.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Yea: Anna C Hansen, Anna T Hamilton, Ed Moreno, Rudy N Garcia

·         Final Order: CASE # SCSD 18-5190 Village at Galisteo Basin Preserve (aka “Trenza”) Conceptual Plan. Commonweal Conservancy, Applicant, Ted Harrison, Agent, Requested Approval for an Amendment Of A Conceptual Plan To Allow A 36 Foot Tall Communications Tower (And Its Associated Switching Infrastructure) as an Allowed Use Within the Galisteo Basin Preserve/Trenza Planned Development District (PD-2). The Proposed Cell Tower Will be on Lot 22 Which Comprises 468.08 Acres. The Site Would Take Access from Astral Valley Road, Via US 84-285. Lot 22 Is Located at 99 Astral Valley Road Within T15N, R10E, Section 31, SDA-2 (Commission District 3). (Approved 5-0)

·         Approval of Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. 2015-0355-SD/IC and Approval of Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. 2015-0356-SD/IC Between Santa Fe County and Plains Eagle Corporation.

·         Approval of Amendment No. 1 to Agreement 2018-0151-HA/MM Between Santa Fe County and the Boys and Girls Club of Santa Fe/Del Norte which Extends the Term an Additional Year and Increases Compensation an Additional $170,000.00 for a Total Contract Sum of $340,000.00, Inclusive of NM GRT and Authorizing the County Manager to Sign the Purchase Order.


Appointments/Re-Appointments (Action Items)

·         Approval of the Appointment of Nathan Barton to the DWI Planning Council.

o   Motion by Anna C Hansen, second by Ed Moreno.

o   Final Resolution: Motion Carries

o   Yea: Anna C Hansen, Anna T Hamilton, Ed Moreno, Rudy N Garcia


Miscellaneous (Action Items)

·         Ratification of the County Manager’s Signature Authority Regarding the Purchase of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA’s) for the Santa Fe County Fire Department and Removing the “Not-to-Exceed” Amount of the Purchase and Making the Purchase of the SCBA’s an Indefinite Quantity Purchase. Staff recommended ratification.

o   Motion by Anna C Hansen, second by Ed Moreno.

o   Final Resolution: Motion Carries

o   Yea: Anna C Hansen, Anna T Hamilton, Ed Moreno, Rudy N Garcia

·         Approval of Acceptance of Grant Award for Arroyo Hondo Trail Segment 2 in the Amount of $1,437,046.

o   Motion by Anna C Hansen, second by Ed Moreno.

o   Final Resolution: Motion Carries

o   Yea: Anna C Hansen, Anna T Hamilton, Ed Moreno, Rudy N Garcia


·         Approval of Acceptance of Grant Award for Arroyo Hondo Trail Segment 3 in the Amount of $1,721,870.

o   Motion by Ed Moreno, second by Rudy N Garcia.

o   Final Resolution: Motion Carries

o   Yea: Anna C Hansen, Anna T Hamilton, Ed Moreno, Rudy N Garcia


Temporary Adjournment as the Board of County Commissioners of Santa Fe County (Action Item)


Convene as the Santa Fe County Board of Finance (Action Item)

·         Presentation and Report on the 1st Half of 2019.


·         Request Approval of 6-Month Investment Strategy

o   Motion by Anna C Hansen, second by Ed Moreno.

o   Final Resolution: Motion Carries

o   Yea: Anna C Hansen, Anna T Hamilton, Ed Moreno, Rudy N Garcia


Adjourn and Reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners of Santa Fe County (Action Item)

o   Motion by Anna C Hansen, second by Ed Moreno.

o   Final Resolution: Motion Carries

o   Yea: Anna C Hansen, Anna T Hamilton, Ed Moreno, Rudy N Garcia


Matters of Public Concern (Non-Action Items)


Matters from the County Manager (Action/Non-Action Items)

·         Update and Request for Direction on the Fiscal Year 2020 Interim Budget.


Presentations (Non-Action Items)

Matters from County Commissioners (Action/Non-Action Items)

·         Approval of A Proclamation Proclaiming Veterans Appreciation Week.

o   Motion by Anna C Hansen, second by Ed Moreno.

o   Final Resolution: Motion Carries

o   Yea: Anna C Hansen, Anna T Hamilton, Ed Moreno, Rudy N Garcia


Matters from Other Elected Officials (Action/Non-Action Items)

·         Resolution No. 2019- 61, A Resolution Approving the County Assessor's Property Valuation Program in Accordance With State Statute.

o   Motion by Rudy N Garcia, second by Anna C Hansen.

o   Final Resolution: Motion Carries

o   Yea: Anna C Hansen, Anna T Hamilton, Ed Moreno, Rudy N Garcia


Matters from the County Attorney

o   Motion to enter into Executive Session by Anna C Hansen, second by Ed Moreno.

o   Final Resolution: Motion Carries

o   Yea: Anna C Hansen, Anna T Hamilton, Ed Moreno


o   Motion to come out of Executive Session by Anna C Hansen, second by Ed Moreno.

o   Final Resolution: Motion Carries

o   Yea: Anna C Hansen, Anna T Hamilton, Ed Moreno


No action was taken as a result of Executive Session.


*Public Hearings - To Be Heard No Earlier than 5:00 P.M.

·         CASE #19-5080 Valverde at Las Campanas Preliminary Plat & Final Plat. Las Campanas Holdings, LLC, Applicant, Design Enginuity (Oralyn Guerrerortiz), Agent, Requests Preliminary Plat and Final Plat Approval Of The Valverde at Las Campanas, Consisting Of An 18-Lot Residential Subdivision on Tract A-2 of the Los Santeros Subdivision Consisting of 7.95 Acres. The Project Is Located At 130 Paseo Aragon, Within The Las Campanas Planned Development District, Within Section 14, Township 17 North, 8 East (Commission District 2).

o   Motion to approve with conditions by Anna C Hansen, second by Ed Moreno.

o   Final Resolution: Motion Carries

o   Yea: Anna C Hansen, Anna T Hamilton, Ed Moreno

o   Not Present at Vote: Rudy N Garcia


Concluding Business

·         Announcements

·         Adjournment

o   Motion by Anna C Hansen, second by Ed Moreno.

o   Final Resolution: Motion Carries

o   Yea: Anna C Hansen, Anna T Hamilton, Ed Moreno

o   Not Present at Vote: Rudy N Garcia