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May 2, 2017 BCC Summary

The following is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC) at their regular meeting on May 2, 2017. All five (5) commissioners were present.

The BCC meeting minutes from the March 28, 2017 Community Development Block Grant Meeting and the March 28, 2017 Board of County Commissioners meeting were approved by a unanimous vote 5-0.

Presentation on and Recognition of the Pojoaque Volunteer Fire District.
Employee Recognitions
• Recognition of New Santa Fe County Employees.
• Recognition of Years of Service for Santa Fe County Employees.
o Five (5) Years: William Taylor- Purchasing- Procurement Manager
Carolina Aguayo-Hernandez- Sheriff’s Office –Sheriff Deputy II
Dylan Chavez- PSD/Corrections- Detention Officer
Lupe Sanchez- CSD/Health & Human Services- DWI Planning Council Coordinator
Robert Garcia- Sheriff’s Office- Sheriff Deputy III
Michael Sandoval- PW/Projects & Facilities- Custodian Lead
o Ten (10) Years: Tracy Hightower- PSD/Corrections- Disciplinary Hearing Officer
Melissa Oberg- PSD/Corrections- Classification Supervisor
• Recognition of Santa Fe County Employee of the Quarter, 1st Quarter of 2017 Awards.
Public Safety: Victoria DeVargas- Fire Prevention Specialist
Sheriff’s Office: Adrian Ortiz, Property Control Technician
Public Works: Scott Kaseman, Project Manager II
Support Services: Kennith Sisneros, IT Desktop Support Specialist
Community Services: Kerrie Bushway, GPS Technician
Kennith Sisneros was selected Employee of the Quarter for the first quarter of 2017.

Consent Agenda All Consent Agenda items passed by unanimous vote, 5-0.

• Approval of County Health Care Assistance Claims in the Amount of $48,698.64.
• Approval of Purchase Agreement and Permanent Sign Easement Agreement between Santa Fe County and Eusebio Serna.
• Approval of A Letter of Support for Presbyterian Healthcare Services of New Mexico Hospital Equipment Loan Council – Series 2017 Bonds, for Financing and Construction of a New Medical Center in Santa Fe.
• Resolution No. 2017-38, A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to the EMS Fund (206) to Carry Forward the Agua Fria Fire District FY-2016 Available Cash for the County Fire Department / $2,932.
• Resolution No. 2017- 39, A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to the Law Enforcement Operations Fund (246) to Budget a Vehicle Purchase from an Insurance Recovery / $14,086.
(End of Consent Agenda)

Action Items- All Action Items approved by unanimous vote.
Items From Consent Agenda Requiring Extended Discussion / Consideration
• Appointment of Countywide Member to the Health Policy and Planning Commission.
• Resolution No. 2017 -¬¬¬40, A Resolution Adopting Management Plans for Lamy Open Space and Park and Madrid Open Space and Directing Staff to Implement the Plans. Approved by a unanimous vote of 5-0.
• Resolution No. 2017-41, A Resolution Requesting A Budget Decrease to the Alcohol Programs Fund (241) / DWI Program to Realign the FY 2018 Budget to the Actual Grant Award and a Corresponding Decrease to the Operating Transfer to the General Fund (101) and Law Enforcement Operations Fund (246) /-$571,850.00. Approved by a unanimous vote of 5-0.

Matters From the County Manager
Miscellaneous Updates
• 2017 Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP) for Fiscal Years 2019-2023. (Informational Item)

Matters From the County Attorney
• Executive Session. Threatened or Pending Litigation in Which Santa Fe County is or May Become a Participant, as Allowed by Section 10-15-l(H)(7) NMSA 1978, and Discussion of the Purchase, Acquisition or Disposal of Real Property or Water Rights, as Allowed by Section 10-15-l(H)(8) NMSA 1978, Including the Following:
1. Rights-of-Way for County Roads.
2. Acquisition of Water Systems.
3. Dispute with Potential Water Customer Concerning Terms of Service.
4. Removal of Rubbish and Debris from Private Property.

Voted 5-0 to enter Executive Session.

Actions taken by the BCC as a result of Closed Executive Session
• Authorization for the County Manager to Sign and Submit an Application to the New Mexico Environment Department for a Recycling and Illegal Dumping Grant. Approved by a unanimous vote of 4-0, with Commissioner Anaya being absent.

Matters of Public Concern

Discussion/Information Items/Presentations
Matters from County Commissioners and Other Elected Officials
• Elected Officials Issues and Comments - These are Non-Action Items by Elected Officials, Such as Constituent Concerns, Elected Official Recognitions, and Requests for Updates or Future Presentations.
• Commissioner Issues and Comments - These are Non-Action Items by Commission District, Such as Constituent Concerns, Commissioner Recognitions, and Requests for Updates or Future Presentations.
• Approval of A Proclamation Recognizing May 2017 Mental Health Month. Approved by a unanimous vote of 4-0, Commissioner Anaya was absent.
• Presentation and Update on Agriculture and Ranching Implementation Plan, Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Program and TDR Bank
• Presentation Recognizing the Students from the Early College Charter High School Master’s Program and Crew Leaders from the Trails Alliance and Fat Tire Society for their Contributions in Restoring, Beautifying, and Maintaining Santa Fe County Public Lands
• Presentation from the Projects Division and Public Works Department Summarizing Currently Active Projects.

Public Hearings
• Ordinance No. 2017-3, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 1991-6, As Amended by Ordinance No. 2017-1, To Delay The Effective Date of The Prohibition on Tethering and Unattended Dog Until January 1, 2018, and to Replace Appendix A to Ordinance No. 1991-6 Establishing Fees and Fines (First and Only Public Hearing) Approved by a unanimous vote of 4-0, with Commissioner Anaya being absent.
Community Plan and Sustainable Growth Management Plan Update.
• Resolution No. 2017 -¬¬¬42, A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 2012-36, The Galisteo Community Plan, and Resolution No. 2015-155, The Sustainable Growth Management Plan, to Create The 2017 Galisteo Community Plan Update. (First and Only Public Hearing) Approved by a unanimous vote of 5-0.

Information Items
• Growth Management Monthly Report
• Public Safety Monthly Report
• Public Works Monthly Report
• Human Resources Monthly Report
• Administrative Services Monthly Report
• Community Services Monthly Report
• Financial Report for the Third Quarter FY17