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May 25, 2010 BCC Meeting Summary

May 25, 2010 BCC Meeting Summary

Santa Fe – May 26, 2010 – Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners:

Minutes of the April 27 and April 29 meetings were unanimously approved with a request that the recorders correctly identify the speakers.

Five County employees were recognized for successfully completing the College of Working Adults Program: Maricela Quintana, Lorina Sanchez, Melanie Ramirez, Gabriella Trujillo and Maria Sanchez.

County Clerk Valerie Espinoza was chosen by the Albuquerque Convention & Visitors Bureau as one of the exclusive 2009/2010 Albuquerque Ambassadors. Through her efforts the International Association of Clerks, Recorders, Election Officials and Treasurer's Conference will be held in Albuquerque in 2012.

A proclamation naming May 25 as National Missing Children's Day was unanimously approved. On average 2,000 children are reported missing daily in this nation. The proclamation encourages public education and the protection of children a national priority.

In response to recent press regarding the County, Manager Roman Abeyta said the Anti Donation clause and internal policies and procedures regarding management structure are under review. He emphasized that the County has a “Zero” tolerance for substance and alcohol abuse and will initiate random testing to employees countywide.

Consent Calendar:

Community Funds were unanimously approved for:

$3,000 for the 4-H Boosters for the Santa Fe County Fair
$1,500 for Edgewood Senior Center via the Community Service Department
$ 900 for graffiti removal supplies and materials for use by the Teen Court via the Community Service Department

Detox Grant from Department of Finance Administration (DFA) in the amount of $300,000 for operation of the Sobering Center was approved and staff confirmed that the funds can be transferred to CHRISTUS St. Vincent who will be operating the facility.

Inspection Report – 4/13/10 Jail Inspection was unanimously approved.

Finance Division:

A Resolution increasing the Surveyor’s salary was unanimously approved. By statute, the surveyor was entitled to the increase in wages.

An Interim Budget presentation was made outlining troubled funds projections, potential sources of major revenues (mill levy, special assessment districts, impact fees, sale of county-owned real estate), and immediate issues. With the recognition of a decline in revenues from Gross Receipts Tax (GRT) and property taxes, the Commission discussed means other than personnel cuts to reduce the County’s budget. Staff was directed to investigate a series of options at the detention center; reduction in employer contribution to Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA); the elimination of travel/seminars, cell phones and take home vehicles; hiring of interns on a volunteer basis; and to conduct a public survey to determine the residents’ top priorities and what cuts they support. Survey and/or budget information will be posted on the County webpage.

Growth Management
Staff indicated 17 public workshops have been held to take input on the Sustainable Land Development Plan (SLDP). The plan has been redrafted to address citizens’ input. The County Development Review Committee (CDRC) requested an additional hearing in Stanley on June 3. The CDRC will hold a special meeting on June 24 to take action to forward the plan to the BCC. The Commission thanked planning staff and encouraged them to have the plan forwarded to the BCC as soon as possible.

All BCC meetings are broadcast live at To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, go to or check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at