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May 26, 2015 BCC Summary

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC).  Four of the five Commissioners were present.  Commissioner Stefanics was excused but did call in for a portions of the meeting telephonically.

 Meeting minutes from the April 28, 2015 BCC was approved by unanimous vote 5-0.

 Employee Recognitions

Introduction of new employees

 Consent Calendar (All Items approved under the Consent Agenda, passed by unanimous vote 5-0)

Final Orders

  • BCC CASE # PCEV 14-5480 Homewise Inc. Vacation of Easements. Homewise, Inc. Applicant, (Cornerstone Land Surveying), Jeffery Ludwig, Agent, Request approval to vacate three (3) private access and utility block easements totaling 0.31 Acres +/-.
  • CDRC CASE # Z/PDP/FDP 14-5370 PNM Caja del Rio Solar Energy Center Project. Public Service Company of New Mexico, Applicant, Laurie Moye, Agent, Requested Master Plan Zoning, Preliminary and Final Development Plan Approval to allow a 5 Megawatt Electric Solar Facility on a 40 acre site.


  • Resolution No. 2015-72, A Budget Increase to the Law Enforcement Operations Fund (LEOF-246) to Budget (1) Grant awarded through the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in the amount of $15,000.
  • Resolution No. 2015-73, Increase to the State Special Appropriations Fund (318) to Budget a State Grant awarded to Santa Fe County to equip the Vista Grande Library in the amount of $10,000. 
  • Resolution No. 2015-74, Authorize the County Manager to negotiate and execute an agreement concerning Santa Fe County’s and New Mexico Bank & Trust’s security interests in Santa Fe Brewing Company’s accounts.


  • Authorized the Use of District 3 Capital Funds, per Capital Outlay Policy, allocating $30,000 for capital improvements to three fire stations; $10,000 for Madrid to complete the ongoing Fire Suppression Water Project, $15,000 for Galisteo to complete construction of an additional apparatus bay, and $5,000 for a marquee sign at the Bruce and Alice King Stanley Main Station. 
  • Authorized County Manager signature on a purchase order in the amount of $559,487.52, inclusive of GRT, for the Agua Fria/San Felipe Road Improvement Annexation Project utilizing the On-Call Road Construction Contract No. 2013-0119B-PW/MS with Mountain States Constructors.
  • Ratified the signature on Landlord Letter of Consent for improvements to the La Familia Medical Center to allow application for a Health Resources and Services Administration Grant.

 (End Of Consent Agenda)

 Action Items

Appointments/Reappointments (all appointments/reappointments were approved by unanimous vote 4-0, Commissioner Anaya was not present for votes)

  •  Vivien Heye was reappointed to the Health Policy and Planning Commission.
  • Anna Volturra was appointed to the Health Policy and Planning Commission.
  • Kim Straus was appointed to the Health Policy and Planning Commission.
  • Maria de Anda Hey was appointed to the Santa Fe City-County Advisory Council on Food Policy. 
  • Carole Jaramillo and Greg Shaffer were appointed to the Santa Fe County Audit Committee. 
  • Kim Anaya was appointed as the Trustee for Stanley Cyclone Center.


  • Resolution No. 2015-70, Supports the construction and operation of a Health Commons Complex in the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico, along with the support and cooperation of the Town of Edgewood and Federal, State, and Local Governments, approved by unanimous vote 5-0.
  • Resolution No. 2015-71, Calls on the President of the United States, the Congress of the United States, and the New Mexico Congressional Delegation to support local efforts to keep the Old Santa Fe Trail National Park Service Building open to the public as a Cultural Resource and ultimately designate it as either a National Historic Site or a National Monument, approved by unanimous vote 5-0.  

 Resolutions 2015-72 thru 74 were approved under the Consent Calendar

  • Resolution No. 2015-75, Adopted the Interim Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 (FY 2016), approved by unanimous vote 5-0.
  • Resolution No. 2015-76, Adopted the Santa Fe County Transit Service Plan for FY 2016 and instruct staff to submit the Transit Service Plan to the North Central Regional Transit District, approved by unanimous vote 5-0.
  • Resolution No. 2015-77, Imposed an annual Liquor License Tax upon persons holding State Liquor Licenses, approved by unanimous vote 5-0.
  • Resolution No. 2015-78, Approves Lease Agreement between Santa Fe County and New Mexico Legal Aid, Inc., for the lease of office space at 901 W. Alameda, Santa Fe; authorizes the submittal of the Lease Agreement to the State Board of Finance for approval; and delegates the County Manager the authority to execute the Lease Agreement, approved by unanimous vote 4-0 (Commissioner Stefanics was not present for the vote). 
  • Resolution No. 2015-79, A Budget Increase to the GOB Series 2015 Fund (352) to budget bond proceeds to pay issuance costs of $290,000, approved by unanimous vote 4-0 (Commissioner Stefanics was not present for the vote). 
  • Resolution No. 2015-80, Early Childhood Care and Education, affirms commitment and proclaims support for high-quality programs and services for Santa Fe County children ages prenatal through five and their families, approved by unanimous vote 4-0 (Commissioner Stefanics was not present for the vote).    
  • Resolution No. 2015-81, Supports Santa Fe County’s participation in the Steering Committee to cooperatively develop a Regional Water Plan Update to the 2003 Jemez y Sangre Regional Water Plan, approved by unanimous vote 4-0 (Commissioner Stefanics was not present for the vote). 
  • Resolution No. 2015-82, Adopted the “Santa Fe County Health Care Assistance Program Procedures for Processing Eligible Provider Claims Under the Indigent Hospital and County Healthcare Act”, approved by unanimous vote 4-0 (Commissioner Stefanics was not present for the vote). 


  • County Health Care Assistance Claims in the Amount of $53,817.00, approved by unanimous vote 4-0 (Commissioner Stefanics was not present for the vote).   
  • Discussion and direction on the Creation of County Flood Commission pursuant to NMSA 1978, Sections 4-50-1 Through 4-50-9.  (Direction – to evaluate alternatives, receive feedback from existing organizations and funding.)
  • A Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Santa Fe and Santa Fe County regarding the provision of Wastewater Collection and Treatment for the Thornburg amended Master Plan Area, approved by unanimous vote 4-0 (Commissioner Stefanics was not present for the vote).


  •  The Growth Management Department provided an update on the Sustainable Land Development Code, Development of County Wide Impact, Zoning Map, and Development Permit Fees.
  • The Public Works Department provided an update on County Open Lands, Trails and Parks Advisory Committee (COLTPAC) Planning and Projects.

 Matters From The County Manager

  •  Ortiz Mountain Preserve – Follow-up to the information previously provided to the Board, on May 15 Santa Fe Botanical Gardens chose to end their relationship with Santa Fe County as it relates to the operation of the Ortiz Mountain Preserve.  Staff is working on a transition plan that will be presented at the June 30 board meeting.
  • Solid Waste Districts – The Public Work’s Department has completed three solid waste franchising public meetings and they will be bring the enabling ordinance to the Board for consideration at the June 30 board meeting.  Staff will provide an update to the Board at the June 9 meeting.
  • Legislative Interim Committees – Staff will be providing monthly updates to the Board starting June 30
  • Santa Fe Community College/Galisteo Property – Possible use of the property, staff will present a plan at the June 9 board meeting.

 Matters from the County Attorney

Executive Session

  • Discussion of Competitive Sealed Proposals Solicited Pursuant to the Procurement Code, as Allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(6) NMSA 1978, and Discussion of the Purchase, Acquisition or Disposal or Real Property or Water Rights, as allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(8) NMSA 1978.

o   Proposal submitted in response to RFP # 2015-0031-PW, La Bajada Ranch Development.

  • Threatened or Pending Litigation, as Allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(7) NMSA 1978.

o   Arbitration against the City of Santa Fe concerning the Water Resources Agreement.

o   Claims against Santa Fe County by a Santa Fe County Employee.

o   Potential Litigation Concerning a Water Service Agreement between Santa Fe County and a        Customer.

 Information Items

  • Growth Management Monthly Report
  • Public Safety Monthly Report
  • Public Works Monthly Report
  • Human Resources Monthly Report
  • Administrative Services Monthly Report
  • Community Services Monthly Report
  •  Financial Report for the Quarter Ending April 30, 2015