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May 31, 2011 BCC Meeting Summary

May 31, 2011 BCC Meeting Summary

Santa Fe, NM – June 1, 2011 – Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners

The minutes of the April 26, 2011 BCC meeting and the May 5, 2011 Special Budget Study Session were unanimously [5-0] approved.

Special Presentations
• The Commission welcomed the 2011 Santa Fe County Fair queen Sarah Czmyrid and princess Katey House. The County Fair will be held August 3 through August 7.

• The Housing Department recognized Melissa Serrano for completing the Family Self-Sufficiency Program. She was presented with a certificate and a check.

• The Commission recognized Erle Wright (GIS Department) for receiving the Certified Public Official Designation Award.

• Debra Garcia (GIS Department) was recognized for the completion of her studies for Working Adults Program.

• Annabelle Romero, Director of the County Corrections Department, was honored for receiving the 2011 Governor’s Award for Outstanding Women and for her induction into the New Mexico Women’s Hall of Fame, one of only two honorees this year..

• Rubina Cohen gave the annual report on the activities of the Santa Fe City/County Food Policy Council highlighting the need for increased consumption of local foods, the loss of agricultural land and policy recommendations for local and state governmental entities. The organization has advised on the Sustainable Growth Management Plan and is focusing on food storage for disaster preparedness, along with legislative initiatives. They requested County support.

Matters From the Commission
• A resolution naming the Fire Station located at 30 W. Kinsell Avenue in Stanley after Herman C. Sena was unanimously approved.

• A resolution naming the Fire Station located at 682 New Mexico Highway 472 after Governor and Mrs. Bruce King was unanimously approved.

Consent Calendar
The following items were unanimously [5-0] approved

• A $301,920.06 grant from the State Aging and Long-Term Services Department for the Nambe Senior / Community Center.

• The granting of right-of-way to Cuatro Villas Mutual Domestic Water Users Association to accommodate two tanks and other infrastructure at La Puebla Park.

• An resolution amending resolution 2009-205 to terminate contracts with KDCE and KSFR radio stations for the broadcast of BCC meetings, retaining agreements with KSWV and Channel 28. Radio stations will not be named in the new resolution.

Treasurer’s Office
• A resolution passed imposing an annual liquor license tax.

Board of Finance
• County Treasurer Victor Montoya gave the quarterly report relating to the investment plan and portfolio. The County manages over $113 million in the form of interest-bearing accounts and custodial banks, CD’s, government bonds and T-bills. Action on the Investment Plan was tabled to allow the Investment Committee time to meet.

Utilities Department
• The resolution passed (3-2 vote with Commissioners Anaya and Mayfield voting against) for a new rate and fee schedule for the Santa Fe County Water Utility. Director Pego Guerrerortiz gave a history of the Utility and the rationale behind the suggested changes

Finance Department
• The resolution Establishing the Santa Fe County Audit Committee unanimously passed.

Public Works Department
• A Lighting agreement with NM DOT for installation of intersection LED lighting on NM 14 and Santa Fe Studios Road aka Montañas de Oro to facilitate the studio development was approved by majority (4-1 with Commissioner Mayfield voting against).

Growth Management
• An ordinance and resolution to define, regulate and implement, the affordable housing roof repair or replacement and renovations Happy Roof’s Program both passed by unanimous voice vote.

Matters from the County Manager
• Santa Fe County Energy Specialists Erik Aaboe and Craig O’Hare were introduced.

• Kristine Mihelcic, Public Information Specialist, gave a brief overview and demonstration of the Sunshine Section of the website, which provides instant internet access to County contracts, monthly expenditures and employee information, along with links to other information already available on the website.

• Solid Waste Ordinance was discussed and the Commission will revisit the ordinance to ascertain the practicality of a12-punch card for $40.

• San Marcos Transfer Station will undergo construction and be closed for a two-month period, notice will be provided.

Finance Department
The Interim 2011-2012 (Fiscal Year 2012) Budget was discussed and a resolution approving the interim budget passed (4-1 vote with Commissioner Anaya voting against).

All BCC meetings are broadcast live on GOV TV Channel 28, KSWV AM 810 or at To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, go to check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days, once approved at