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Moviemaker Names Santa Fe #3 Best Place to Work / Live

Santa Fe was named #3 Best Place in North America to Live and Work as a Filmmaker, for cities with metro areas of 500,000 or less. It is the third year in a row Santa Fe has ranked in the top five locations including Mexico and Canada as well as the U.S.

"Having come off a record year last year, we continue a terrific run of production and job creation in the City and throughout the County of Santa Fe," said Eric Witt, Director of the Santa Fe Film Office.

"The most telling thing about this ranking is that it accounts not only for levels of production but also the overall living experience of working in Santa Fe. This speaks volumes to the world class culture and aesthetic of our area, as well as to the professionalism of the many county and city divisions involved in filmmaking."

Recent productions in the Santa Fe region include "Only the Brave," the Netflix series "Godless " and "Longmire," the Coen Brothers' "Ballad of Buster Scrugs," and the upcoming feature film "Hostiles starring Christian Bale, Rosamund Pike, and Santa Fe resident Wes Studi.