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New Designated Parking Areas on County Road 72A (Big Tesuque Canyon Road)

New Designated Parking Areas on County Road 72A (Big Tesuque Canyon Road)

Santa Fe, NM – May 3, 2012 - Santa Fe County Road Public Works Department completed the parking project that formalizes two parking areas on County Road 72A (Big Tesuque Canyon Road). The designated parking area is to ensure emergency access to the residents who live along the road and to the Tesuque Canyon itself. The new parking areas are clearly defined with signage and a post-and-cable fence or barrier. The signage will be installed during the next several weeks. Each of the parking areas will accommodate 3 to 5 vehicles.

“The intent of the project is to provide a full 20 feet of access to emergency vehicles by communicating clearly to all road users where and how to park," said Adam Leigland, County Public Works Director.

“Because of improperly parked cars, our emergency vehicles were often blocked and could not make it up the road. The road needs to accommodate any piece of emergency apparatus, including ambulances and water tenders,” said Fire Chief David Sperling. "A wildland fire in the Tesuque Canyon is one of my biggest fears and we need to be able to access the area with all necessary apparatus."

Major Ken Johnson of the County Sheriff's Office noted that any cars parked outside the designated area and impeding traffic will be subject to ticketing or towing.