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New Fee Structure Goes Into Effect July 1 For New Facility, Asphalt Excavating Permits

Santa Fe County will implement Ordinance 2009-5, an amendment to Excavation/Restoration 2003-1 and 1994-2, beginning July 1, 2009. This Ordinance was approved and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on May 26, 2009. A notice of public hearing was published in the Santa Fe New Mexican on Monday, May 11, 2009. This public hearing was conducted on May 26, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. in the Board of County Commission Chambers.

As per this Ordinance, a new fee structure for the placement of below ground facilities and above ground facilities as well as the extension road warranties will be implemented. Also, please note the increase to the new pavement penalty fee for cutting into asphalt less than five (5) years old.

Current permitees will receive a copy of Ordinance 2009-5 and the revised permit application by mail. For more information, call 992-3020.

Newly Approved Fees as set in Ordinance 2009-5:

  • A two hundred ($200.00) dollar non-refundable application fee shall accompany each permit application.
  • Fees for below ground facilities will be assessed as follows:

    • Up to 36" in width and up to 48" in depth - $.10 per lineal foot
    • Any greater width and depth - $.15 per lineal foot

Above ground facilities will be charged the application fee ($200), then one hundred and fifty ($150.00) dollars for the first 90 lineal feet and a dollar fifty ($1.50) per lineal foot thereafter.

Road Cut Warranty: It is now five (5) years. Any person or facility owner including a utility company making a road cut, shall be required to correct defective materials and workmanship performed under each road cut permit.

New Pavement Fee: Any person, facility owner, or utility excavating or cutting into new pavement less than five (5) years old shall pay a fee of ten dollars ($10) per square foot as liquidated damages.