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New Leadership Named on Santa Fe County Commission

Henry Roybal was unanimously chosen as the Santa Fe County Board of County Commissioners Chairman during the Board’s meeting today, January 10, 2017.  Entering the third year of his first term, Henry Roybal previously served as Vice-Chair.  He works for the Los Alamos National Laboratory and is the Commissioner for District 1.

“It is a huge honor to be selected as Chairman and I pledge to work diligently.  I look forward to the working relationship we are going to build over the next year with the three new commissioners,” said Chairman Roybal. “I think we can all agree that our common goal is keep Santa Fe County a great place to live, work and play while improving services for our constituents.”

Commissioner Anna Hansen, District 2, was selected as Vice Chair. She is newly elected to the Santa Fe County Commission.  She is joined by Commissioner Robert Anaya who has been a County Commissioner for six years as well as newly elected Commissioners Anna Hamilton in District 4 and Ed Moreno in District 5.