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November 12 ,2013 BCC Summary

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC), all five Commissioners were present.

  • ·         The meeting minutes from the October 8, 2013 BCC meeting were unanimously approved (5-0)
  • ·         The special meeting minutes from the October 15, 2013 meeting were unanimously approved (5-0)
  • ·         The special meeting minutes from October 22, 2013 were unanimously approved (5-0)
  • ·         The Consent Calendar was unanimously approved (5-0)

Items on the Consent Calendar:

Final Orders

  • CDRC Case #V 13-5190 Minnie Walsh Variance. Minnie Walsh, applicant, requested a variance of Article III, Section 10 (lot size requirements) and a variance of Article III, Section 2.4.1a.2.B (access) of the Land Development Code and a variance of Article 4, Section 4.2 of Ordinance N. 2008-10 (Flood Damage and Stormwater Management) to allow a family transfer land division of 1.195 acres into two lots.  The property is located at 58 Arroyo Jaconia, within the traditional community of Jacona, within Section 11, Township 19 North, Range 8 East (Commission District 1) Approved at previous meeting.

Approval of Proclamations


  • ·         A Proclamation to recognize November 15, 2013 as “America Recycles Day”
  • ·         A Proclamation to recognize November as “Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month”


  • ·         Resignation of member to the Corrections Advisory Committee
  • ·         Appointment to the Corrections Advisory Committee

Financial Actions

  • Request approval of the transfer of $35,000 of Capital Gross Receipts Tax Funds to the City of Santa Fe LEDA program

Action Items


  • Resolution No. 2013-120, Amending procedures for resolutions with a fiscal impact; requiring fiscal impact reports; prescribing uniformity of fiscal impact report; ensuring public input on resolutions; rescinding Resolution No. 2012-056 was unanimously approved 5-0 with amendments. A discussion followed to improve public engagement, efficiency of meetings and parliamentary procedures of the Board of County Commissioners facilitated by Senator Daniel Ivey-Soto
  • Resolution No. 2013-121, In support of a Healthy Kid, Healthy Economy Program was unanimously approved (5-0)

Proclamations and Presentations

  • A presentation was given to the BCC of the feasibility study findings for the use of the old judicial complex at 100 Catron Street.  The Board provided direction to the County Manager and staff to solicit public input and provide more detail on some of the recommendations.
  • A presentation was given on Project Launch and Next Steps by Katherine Freemen, United Way
  • The Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting was awarded to the Santa Fe County Finance Department for Fiscal Year 2012, presented by County Manager, Katherine Miller
  • A Proclamation to recognize November 15, 2013 as “America Recycles Day was unanimously approved and presented by the full Board
  • A Proclamation to recognize November as “Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month” was unanimously approved and presented by the full Board

Discussion Items

  • Introduction and discussion of a resolution to provided reasonable public notice for meetings of the Board of County Commissioners and for Boards and Committees appointed or acting under the authority of the Board of County Commissioner 

Matters from the Commission

  • The La Cienega Community Library Project update was provided by staff, Commissioner Anaya and community members

Matters from the County Manager

  • 2014 Legislative Session County priorities update was provided

Public Hearings

Growth Management

  • CDRC Case # V 13-5110 Ellen Jacobs Variance, Ellen Jacobs, applicant, Joseph Karnes Agent, requests a variance of Article III, Section 10 (lot size requirements) of the Land Development Code to allow two dwelling units on 2.29 acres. The property is located at 55 Camerada Loop, in the vicinity of Eldorado, within Section 10, Township 15 North, Range 9 East, (Commission District 5).  Approved 3-2 (Commissioners Stefanics and Holian voting against)
  • ·BCC Case # MIS 13-5061 Robert and Bernadette Anaya. Robert and Bernadette Anaya, applicants, Talia Kosh (The Bennett Firm), agent, request reconsideration of conditions imposed by the BCC for Master Plan Zoning Approval. The property is located at 2253 Ben Lane, within the Traditional Community of Agua Fria, Within Section 31, Township 17 North, Range 9 East, (Commission District 2).  Tabled by unanimous vote (5-0)
  • CDRC Case # MIS 13-5200 Oshara Village Master Plan Amendment Homewise Inc. and Century Bank, applicants, Design Enginuity, agent, request a Master Plan Amendment ro rezone 26 Live/Work Lots into 26 Residential Townhome Lots (Lots 76-85 And 92-107), to rezone 10 Live/Work Lots to 7 Residential Patio Lots (Lots 145-154) and to Rezone 17Commercial Lots to 9 Residential Patio Lots (Lots 7-15 And 20-27).  The applicants also request to create 5 Residential Patio Home Lots on Tract C which was designated reserved, Open Space.  The property is located in Oshara Village, East of Richards Avenue, within the Community College District, Within Section 16, Township 16 North, Range 9 East (Commission District 5).  Approved by unanimous vote (4-0, Commissioner Holian was not present for vote)
  • BCC Case MIS 13-5310 Oshara Village Master Plan Time Extension Greer Enterprises Inc. (Alexis Gerard), applicant, requests a 24-month time extension of the previously approved Master Plan for a mixed use development (Residential, Commercial and Community) in a Village Zone, Institutional Campus Zone, Employment Center Zone and Fringe Zone consisting of 735 Residential Units and 1.7 million sq. ft. of Commercial Space on 471 acres.  The property is located in Oshara Village, Via Richards Avenue, within the Community College District, within Section 16, Township 16 North, Range 9 East (Commission District 5).  Approved by unanimous vote (4-0, Commissioner Holian was not present for vote) 

The BCC Packet is available online by clicking the BCC meeting event on the Events calendar or visiting the BCC committee All approved Ordinances and Resolutions are available on the County website they are approved and recorded. All BCC meetings are broadcast live, on Comcast Ch. 28 and on Que Suave AM 810. To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days, once approved.