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November 14, 2017 BCC Summary

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC) at their regular meeting on November 14, 2017. All five (5) Commissioners were present.

The BCC meeting minutes from the October 10, 2017 Regular Board of County Commissioners meeting were approved by a vote of 4-0, with Commissioner Anaya not present for vote.

Consent Agenda (Action Items)
All Consent Agenda items passed by a vote of 5-0.
• Resolution No. 2017-120, A Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Fixed Assets in Accordance with State Statute.
• Resolution No. 2017-121, A Resolution Delegating Authority to the County Manager to Negotiate and Execute all Documents Necessary for the Acquisition of Real Property Interests Necessary for Construction of a Drainage and Road Improvement Project on Camino Torcido Loop and County Road 56.
• Resolution No. 2017-122, A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to the Law Enforcement Operations Fund (246) to Budget Grant Funds From the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) / $27,388.00
• Resolution No. 2017-123, A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to the Fire Operations Fund (244) Hazmat Grant to Carry Forward the FY-2017 Available Cash for the County Fire Department / $797.00.
• Resolution No. 2017-124, A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to the Fire Operations Fund (244) Wildland Program to Budget State Forestry Revenue to the County Fire Department / $23,195.
• Resolution No. 2017-125, A Resolution Delegating the County Manager Authority to Negotiate and Execute All Documents, Agreements, and Amendments Necessary for the Continued Administration of the County’s Self-Funded Employee Benefits Program.
• Resolution No. 2017-126, A Resolution Authorizing the County Manager to Sign and Submit a Renewal Application to the New Mexico Association of Counties for Multi-Line and Law Enforcement Insurance Coverage for Calendar Year 2018 and to Execute Purchase Orders and Other Documents Necessary to Effectuate Such Coverage.
• Approval of Grant of Electric Utility Easement to the Public Service Company of New Mexico for the Construction/Expansion of the La Familia Medical Center, Inc.
• Approval of Amendment No. 3 to Lease Agreement No. 2010-0175-CSD/MS Between Santa Fe County and Life Link, Inc. for the Lease of a Property Located at 1318 Luana Street in Santa Fe, NM and Authorizing the Submittal of Amendment No. 3 to the State Board of Finance.
• Approval of Amendment No. 1 to Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Santa Fe County and the Santa Fe County Firefighters Association, Local 4366, International Association of Firefighters.
(End of Consent Agenda)

Action Items
• Appointment of Kenneth Paul Kirk to the Santa Fe County Water Policy Advisory Committee. Approved by a unanimous vote, 5-0.
• Appointment of Amanda Grundler to the DWI Planning Council. Approved by a unanimous vote, 5-0.
• Ratification of Business Lease No. BL-2473 between Santa Fe County and the New Mexico State Land Office for 5 Acres of Real Property Located within the Town of Edgewood. Approved by a unanimous vote, 5-0.
• Approval of an Amendment to Memorandum of Agreement 2016-0179-PW/BT Between Santa Fe County and the Greater Chimayo Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association to Allow Additional Uses of Funding Balance. Approved by a unanimous vote, 5-0.
• Approval of a Cooperative Project Agreement with the New Mexico Department of Transportation to Provide Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Funds in the Amount $389,062 to the County for Construction of a Portion of the Santa Fe Rail Trail. Approved by a unanimous vote, 5-0.
• Approval of a Cooperative Project Agreement with the New Mexico Department of Transportation to Provide Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Funds in the Amount of $1,238,880 to the County for Construction of a Portion of the Arroyo Hondo Trail. Approved by a unanimous vote, 5-0.
• Resolution No. 2017-127, A Resolution to Discuss with the Santa Fe City Council Modifications to the Annexation Settlement Agreement and Phasing Agreements. Approved by a vote of 4-0, with Commissioner Hamilton abstaining, 5-0.
• Resolution No. 2017- 128, A Resolution to Undertake Legal Action Regarding the Opiate Epidemic. Approved by a unanimous vote, 5-0.
• Resolution No. 2017-129, A Resolution Requesting that the New Mexico Environment Department Strengthen the Revised Los Alamos National Laboratory Cleanup Consent Order to Call for Additional Characterization of Legacy Nuclear Wastes; Requesting Department of Energy to Request Increase Cleanup Funding From Congress, and Significantly Increase Safety Training; and Suspend any Planned Expanded Plutonium Pit Production Until Safety Issues are Resolved; and Directing the County Manager to Transmit Copies of This Resolution to Associated Parties. Approved, with amendment to remove the reference to pit production, by a unanimous vote, 5-0.

Matters From the County Manager
Miscellaneous Updates
• Edgewood Senior Center
• Santa Fe River Trail to La Cineguilla
• County Administration Offices Project
• PILT/SRS Coalition Letter to Congressional Leadership
• Community Development Block Grant – Economic Development Set-aside

Matters From the County Attorney
Executive Session. Threatened or Pending Litigation in which Santa Fe County is or May Become a Participant, as Allowed by Section 10-15-1 (H)(7) NMSA 1978, and Discussion of the Purchase, Acquisition or Disposal of Real Property or Water Rights, as Allowed by Section 10-15-1 (H)(8) NMSA 1978, Including the Following:
• Rights-of-Way for County Roads.
• 1071 Camino Vista Aurora.
• Jacona Land Grant Property.

No formal action taken with Respect to Threatened or Pending Litigation in which Santa Fe County is or may Become a Participant Discussed in Executive Session.

Discussion/Information Items/Presentations
• The Office of the Santa Fe County Assessor Recognized Nationally for the Public Sector Champion Award, “2017 Jurisdiction of the Year.

Public Hearings (To Begin No Earlier Than 5:00 P.M.)
Land Use Cases (Possible Action Items)*
• CASE # S 17-5260 Las Campanas Holdings, Inc. (Estancias Unit III) Preliminary and Final Plat and Development Plan Time Extension. Las Campanas Holdings, LLC, Applicant, Santa Fe Planning Group, Inc. (Scott Hoeft), Agent, Request A 36-Month Time Extension of The Previously Approved Final Plat and Development Plan For the Two Phases of the Estancias III Subdivision as Per Chapter 5, Section 5.8.7 (Expiration of Final Plat) of the SLDC. The Property is Located Within the Las Campanas Subdivision, North of Las Campanas Drive, and West of Old Buckman Road, Within the Las Campanas Planned Development District, Within Section 2, Township 17 North, Range 8 East (Commission District 2). Approved by a vote of 4-0, with Commissioner Anaya being absent.
