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November 25, 2014 BCC Summary

November 25, 2014 BCC Summary

Santa Fe, NM – December 17, 2014- Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC).  All five Commissioners were present.

Meeting minutes from the following meetings were passed by unanimous vote, 4-0 (Commissioner Anaya was not present for vote):

  • October 14, 2014, Special BCC
  • October 14, 2014, BCC Meeting
  • October 20, 2014, Joint City/County Meeting
  • October 28, 2014 BCC Meeting

Employee Recognition:

New Employees were introduced by the County Manager

Employees were recognized for years of service with Santa Fe County:

  • Emiliano Mendoza – Public Works, 5 years
  • Melodie Montoya Wiuff – Corrections, 10 years
  • Yvonne Delgado – Sheriff’s Department, 15 years
  • Gabriel Gonzales – Sheriff’s Department, 15 years

The following employees were recognized as Employees of the Quarter in their respective departments:

  •  Victoria DeVargas (Fire Protections Specialist) – Public Safety
  • Donna Dean (Housing Specialist) – Community Service
  • Ron Crow (Sargent) – Sheriff’s Office
  • Jessica Ulibarri (Chief Appraiser) – Elected Office
  • Axel Hernandez (Heavy Equipment Operator) – Public Works
  • Sonya Quintana (HR Analyst) – Support Services, Named 3rdQuarter Employee of the Quarter Countywide

Items approved under the Consent Agenda, by unanimous vote (5-0):

Final Orders

  • BCC CASE # PCEV 14-5320 Brain & Susanne Carlson Vacation Of Easement.  Brian and Susanne Carlson, Applicant, (Sommer, Karnes & Assoc, LLP) Joseph Karnes, Agent, request approval to vacate a platted forty seven foot (47’) wide private open space and drainage easement on one lot totaling 2.55 acres
  • CDRC CASE # V 14-5240 Julie Lopez Variance.Julie Lopez, Applicant, Michael Sandrin, Agent, requests a variance of Article 4, Section 4.2 of Ordinance No. 2008-10 (Flood Damage and Stormwater Management) to allow a driveway within a flood hazard area
  • CDRC CASE # V 14-5150 Lorenzo Atencio Variance.  Lorenzo Atencio, Applicant, Requested a variance of Ordinance No. 2008-5 (Pojoaque Valley Traditional Community District), § 12.5 (Density Standards) to allow a land division of 1.45 acres into two lots

(End Of Consent Agenda)

Action Items

Items pulled from Consent Agenda for discussion:

Final Orders

  • CDRC CASE #APP 14-5031 Maurilio & Amanda Calderon Appeal.Maurilio and Amanda Calderon, Applicants, are appealing the County Development Review Committee’s decision to deny a request for a Home Occupation Business Registration allowing a welding business located on 2.48-acres, passed by unanimous vote 5-0
  • CDRC CASE #APP 14-5041 Michael Velarde Appeal.  Michael Velarde, Applicant, is appealing the County Development Review’s Decision to approve a Home Occupation Business Registration for a pet crematorium on 2.5-acres, passed by unanimous vote 5-0
  • BCC CASE # PCEV 14-5110 Heather McCrea Vacation Of Easement. Heather McCrea, Applicant, Santa Fe County, Agent, Request Approval to vacate a platted twenty foot (20’) wide Pipeline Right of Way Easement and Tank Site Easement on two lots totaling 8.80 acres.  The easement will be relocated on-site, passed by unanimous vote 4-0 (Commissioner Holian was not present for vote)


  • Resolution No. 2014-133, Budget increase to the Federal Forfeiture Fund (225) to budget new forfeitures and auction proceeds/ $5,406.50, passed by unanimous vote 5-0
  • Resolution No. 2014-134, Budget increase to the Fire Operations Fund (244) to budget a monetary donation made to the Santa Fe County Fire Department/ $6,000, passed by unanimous vote 5-0


  • Approved the County Health Care Assistance Claims in the amount of $88,853.31, passed by unanimous vote 5-0
  • Approved the Cooperative Project Agreement with the New Mexico Department of Transportation to provide Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Funds in the amount of $96,798 to the County for Construction of a portion of the Santa Fe Rail Trail, passed by unanimous vote 5-0
  • Authorized the use of District 2 Capital Funds, per Capital Outlay Policy, allocating $40,000 to chip seal Paseo Nopal, passed by unanimous vote 5-0
  • Authorized of the use of District 1 Capital Funds, per Capital Outlay Policy, allocating $295,166 for the Construction of Improvements to the Pojoaque Recreational Complex, passed by unanimous vote 5-0


  • Reappointment of Board Member W. Peyton George to the Santa Fe County Ethics Board, passed by unanimous vote 4-0 (Commissioner Holian was not present for vote) 
  • Appointment of Mr. Erik “Rik” Thompson to the Water Policy Advisory Committee as the Estancia Basin Water Planning Advisory Committee Member, passed by unanimous vote 5-0

Matters from Elected Officials

Treasurer’s Office

BCC adjourned to reconvene as the Santa Fe County Board of Finance

  • Treasurer Varela presented the Santa Fe County Investment Portfolio for the last five months ending September 30, 2014
  • Presentation and approval of the County Treasurer’s Investment Plan, passed by unanimous vote 5-0

Action Items (Public Comment), all passed by unanimous vote 5-0


  • Resolution No. 2014-135, Support of New Mexico grown fresh fruits and vegetables for school meals
  • Resolution No. 2014-136, Support Gold Level Status with the International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA) and to direct staff to work with stakeholders to achieve Gold Level Status and to pursue new trail development opportunities
  • Resolution No. 2014-137,  To determine reasonable notice for public meetings during calendar year 2015 of the Board of County Commissioners of Santa Fe County and for Boards and Committees appointed by or acting under the authority of the Board of County Commissioners; establishing permissible meeting locations and a webcast broadcast policy; and rescinding parts of Resolution No. 2014-58.
  • Resolution No. 2014-138, Budget increase to the State Special Appropriations Fund (318) to budget a Grant for the Santa Fe County Fairgrounds in Santa Fe County /$160,000
  • Resolution No. 2014-139, Budget increase to the State Special Appropriations Fund (318) to Budget a grant for the Pojoaque Sports Fields in Pojoaque located within Santa Fe County /$225,000
  • Resolution No. 2014-140, Budget increase to the GOB Series 2013 Fund (351) to budget cash carryover to construct improvements to the Quill Plant /$400,000. 
  • Resolution No. 2014-141, Budget increase to the Capital Outlay GRT Fund (313) for the design and construction of the expansion and improvements to the Public Safety Complex /$2,145,51. 
  • Resolution No. 2014-142, To amend Resolution No. 2012-94 (The Affordable Housing Roof Repair or Replacement and Renovation Regulations)

Miscellaneous, all passed by unanimous vote 5-0

  • Commissioner Robert Anaya, District 3, was elected as County Commission Chair for 2015
  • Commissioner Miguel Chavez, District 2, was elected as County Commission Vice-Chair for 2015
  • Authorization from the Board of County Commissioners to the County Manager to proceed with the approval and execution of the construction contract and sign the purchase order for the Pojoaque Valley Recreation Complex Improvements, Phase I, contingent upon completion of the procurement process and acceptance of the lowest and most responsive bid within authorized funding and budget, passed by unanimous vote 4-0 (Commissioner Holian was not present for vote)
  • Approved a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Santa Fe and Santa Fe County for the Santa Fe Brewery discharging into a county wastewater collection system and then to the city wastewater collection and treatment system


  • Authorized Publishing Title and General Summary of an Ordinance entitled “An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 2012-1 Pertaining to the Affordability Lien that is Executed and Recorded at the Time of Closing of an Affordable Home Sale”, passed by unanimous vote 5-0

Discussion/Information Items/Presentations


  • Presentation was given by Johnny Baca and Diego Gomez (Public Works employees) on Roadway Management Program
  • Commissioner Anaya and the Commission acknowledged the Capital High School Jaguar’s Varsity Boys Soccer Team for a job well done in the 2014 State Soccer Tournament to capture the Class AAAAA State Title
  • Corrections Advisory Committee Bi-Annual Report was provided

Resolutions, all passed by unanimous vote 4-0

  • Resolution No. 2014-130, Supports the New Mexico Association of Counties’ Resolution regarding amendments to the Indigent Hospital and County Health Care Act to restore the sunset clause on county contributions to the Safety Net Care Pool Fund with an extra year of County Funding to coincide with the expiration of the Medicaid waiver
  • Resolution No. 2014-131, Adopts the 2014 Food Plan, “Planning for Santa Fe’s Food Future; Querencia, a Story of Food, Farming and Friends”
  • Resolution No. 2014-132, Honors the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act

Matters from the Commission

  • The Commission was provided an update regarding the sale of the Top of the World Farm Property

Matters From The County Manager

  • Miscellaneous Updates
    • Monthly newsletter
    • WIR Conference update
    • Legislative Updates
      • Legislative Delegation meeting – January 13, 2015
      • County Day at the Legislature – January 29, 2015

Matters From County Attorney

Executive Session

Deliberations in connection with Administrative Adjudicatory Proceedings, as allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(3) NMSA 1978. 

  • BCC CASE # PCEV 14-5120 Heather McCrea Vacation of Easement

Information Items provided to the Board for the Record

  • Growth Management monthly report
  • Public Safety monthly report
  • Public Works monthly report
  • Human Resources monthly report
  • Administrative Services monthly report
  • Community Services monthly report
  • Financial Report for the month ending October 31, 2014

Public Hearings


  • Ordinance No. 2014-10, To adopt the Solid Waste and Recycling Management Ordinance and repealing Ordinance numbers 2010-5, 2012-7, 2013-3 and 2014-6, passed 4-1 with amendments (Commissioner Anaya voted against)
  • Ordinance No. 2014-11, To  amend Ordinance No. 1998-16 (an Ordinance establishing provisions for extension of sewer services; adopting operating and management procedures; setting rates; and establishing design standards for the Santa Fe County wastewater utility) to update the service rates and charges and service area, passed 3-2 (Commissioners Anaya and Mayfield voted against)

Community Development Block Grant Program Project proposals (First Public Hearing)

The BCC Packet is available online by clicking the BCC meeting event on the Events calendar or visiting the BCC committee page All approved Ordinances and Resolutions are available on the County website at they are approved and recorded. All BCC meetings are broadcast live at, on Comcast Ch. 28 and on Que Suave AM 810. To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, visit Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at, once approved.