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November 29 BCC Meeting Summary

November 29 BCC Meeting Summary

Santa Fe, NM – December 1, 2011 – Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners. All five Commissioners were present.

Special Presentations

Victoria DeVargas, Santa Fe County Fire Prevention Specialist, gave a presentation on the activities and efforts conducted by the County Fire Department during the 2011 Fire Prevention Month.

Charlie Nylander gave a presentation regarding the 2011 Espanola Basin Regional Issues Forum activities.

Matters from the Commission

A resolution passed creating efficient permitting procedures for small scale photovoltaic systems to support increase use, installation and economic benefits of Renewable Energy Systems within Santa Fe County. The resolution was passed with an amendment to the permitting fees.

The Commission approved the appointments of Chris Lopez, Joe Montoya, Joyce Sullivan and Ronald Vigil to serve on the Cundiyo Community Center Committee.

Finance Division

Two resolutions were approved to budget cash carryover to purchase fire apparatus for the Edgewood and Eldorado Fire Districts.

The financial report for the month ending October 31, 2011 was presented to the BCC, the report is available at

Public Works

A presentation was made on 2011 road improvement projects and future maintenance concerns, the presentation is available at

Matters from County Manager

The BCC approved resolutions supporting the New Mexico Association of Counties legislative initiatives. The resolutions addressed the following items:

•Ban on fireworks during extreme drought

•Property tax solutions

•PERA retirees as polling workers

•Liquor excise tax distribution to drug courts

•Fair reporting of Gross Receipts Tax payments

•Decriminalizing traffic citations – DWI is not included in this measure

•Continuity of hold-harmless provision

•Staff is compiling an update on last session's topic

Matters from the Attorney

One Beacon won a competitive bid for public liability insurance policy (option 2) in the amount of $1,089,872 and was approved.

Approval of the Purchase and Sale Agreement by and between the Estate of S. Zannie Hoyt, through co-personal representatives Linda N. Weil, Robert H. Weil, Jr., and William A. Simmons, No. D-0101-PB 2010-00207, First Judicial District Court, County Of Santa Fe, New Mexico, Kate Ann Weil Byrnes, Robert H. Weil, Jr., and William A. Simmons, co-trustees of the S. Zannie Hoyt Revocable Living Trust under account dated December 26, 2007, as amended, and Robert H. Weil, Sr., and the BCC in the amount of $84,000.


A proclamation was approved recognizing the Pojoaque Valley High School Girls Volleyball Teams extraordinary achievements of a perfect season and 3A New Mexico State volleyball championship.

A proclamation was approved recognizing the Pojoaque Valley High School Boys Cross Country Teams extraordinary achievements of a 3A New Mexico State Cross Country championship.

Growth Management

A Sustainable Land Development Code Public Input Process Study Session regarding future Zoning/ Density was held. A recorded version of the Study Session is available at Information on the SLDC is available at

BCC meetings are broadcast live at, GOV TV Comcast Channel 28 and Que Suave AM 810. To view recorded video of this BCC meeting visit check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days once approved at