News and Articles


November 30, 2010 - BCC Meeting Summary

November 30, 2010 - BCC Meeting Summary

Santa Fe – December 2, 2010 – All five commissioners were present and below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners:


US Forest Service – Travel Management Plan: The plan is dedicated to protecting and preserving the forest service land by designating roads, trails and areas legal to drive on. The plan will reduce motorized vehicles by 65 percent on Forest Service land.

State Champions - Pojoaque Elkettes Volleyball Team: The Elkettes were recognized and presented with certificates. Coach Ainsworth said the girls believed in themselves and are strong representatives of the community.

Santa Fe Canyon Ranch Property survey results were presented by Research & Polling. Two surveys were conducted one exclusively with La Cienega residents and another on-line for all Santa Fe County interested residents. Walking trails, open space, and parks ranked the highest for preferred uses while commercial use ranked at the bottom tier. Interest was shown in both surveys for an energy producing related activity and staff was directed to investigate that notion.

RESOLUTIONS - By unanimous voice vote
Joint Resolution with the City of Santa Fe to require LANL to conduct a new Environmental Impact Statement for their Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Nuclear Facility Project. The new facility includes a storage vault for 6 metric tons of plutonium, which would about triple LANL's inventory. The project when the original EIS was conducted had an estimated price of $400 million and the new price is $5 billion. The resolution calls for a new EIS and that local government be given an opportunity to participate in the process.

Resolution supporting state legislation to increase a purchase preference advantage for New Mexican fresh produce and processed products by government and other public and private entities. The legislation should bring change to the State Procurement Code giving advantage to New Mexico farmers and rancher. Local product would be used to feed school children, seniors, the hospital, etc.

Jacob DeVargas and Sierra Schonrock were recognized for their services in raising fire safety awareness by participating in a safety video to promote Fire Safety Awareness Month.

FINAL ORDER - approved unanimously:
• New Mexico Boys & Girls Ranch Master Plan

By unanimous vote the Commission approved:
• Star Paving Company entered into agreement with the County for the Agua Fria Road Sanitary Sewer Drainage and Repaving Phase III Project in the amount of $1,879,973.90
• Forestry Grant Fund budget increase in the amount of $145,504 for a Youth Conservation Corps Grant Award to hire up to ten local youth in a temporary six month position to receive training in natural resource management
• A resolution preliminary to action on two Water Trust Board grant/loans was tabled and will be brought forward on the next agenda.

Finance Director Teresa Martinez reported that the County’s financial status is healthier than anticipated, both in terms of revenue and cost savings. Property tax collections are up by $3.1 million and gross receipts are $191,000 over budget. Hiring freezes are helping the County maintain.

Sustainable Growth Management Plan: By resolution a number of amendments:
• Language on the future land use section removing references to consistency with the FLU Map
• The Capital Improvement Plan section will be clarified to show that other mechanisms are available to effect improvements
• The Future Road Network Map will make the plan consistent with the MPO and remove functional classifications
• Community plans will include references to district or area plans
• A sentence will be removed from Policy 38.3 recognizing that in some areas only groundwater may be available
Additionally, the executive summary is now available in Spanish on the website, at the satellite offices and at the County Administration. Meetings will be scheduled for Spanish speakers.


Katherine Miller gave the following updates:
• The oath taken by new Sheriff Robert Garcia was repeated and notarized.
• Staff will be cooperating with the State Auditor and State Investigators on a forensic audit of Sheriff’s Department
• A draft policy on the use of the fairgrounds will be circulated and ready for discussion at the December meeting

All BCC meetings are broadcast live at To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, go to or check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at