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October 10, 2017 BCC Summary

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC) at their regular meeting on October 10, 2017. All five (5) Commissioners were present.

The BCC meeting minutes from the September 12, 2017 Regular Board of County Commissioners meeting were approved by a unanimous vote 5-0.

Consent Agenda (Action Items)
All Consent Agenda items passed by a unanimous vote 5-0.
• Resolution No. 2017-102, A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to the Law Enforcement Operations Fund (246) to Budget a Vehicle Purchase From an Insurance Recovery / $14,742.50.
• Resolution No. 2017-103, A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to the Law Enforcement Operations Fund (246) to Budget Extension Funding Awarded Through the HIDTA Grant Program / $5,729.11.
• Resolution No. 2017-104, A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to the Assessor’s Property Valuation Fund (203) Budget to Purchase a New Chat Service Software Subscription.

• Approval of Sub-Lease Agreement No. 2018-0117-GM Between Santa Fe County and Black Mesa Wireless, LLC to Use the REDI Net Fiber Lines to the Pojoaque Pueblo Fire Station for a Hook Up to an Internet Service Provider in Order to Provide Broadband Service to End-Users in the Pojoaque Valley.
• Approval of Amendment No. 3 to Price Agreements No. 2015-0073-A-ASD/PL with Matthews Office Supply; Agreement No. 2015-0073-B-ASD/PL with Midway Office Supply; and Agreement No. 2015-0073-C-ASD/PL with School Specialty Office Supply for Office Supplies for all County Departments and Authorization for the County Manger to Sign the Purchase Orders.
• Amendment No. 1 to Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Santa Fe County, New Mexico and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees; New Mexico Council 18, Local 1782, AFL-CIO.
(End of Consent Agenda)

Action Items
Items From Consent Agenda Requiring Extended Discussion / Consideration
• Resolution No. 2017-105, A Resolution Approving Lease Agreement No. 2018-0119-PW Between Santa Fe County and Santa Fe Recovery Center, Inc. for the Operation of a Detoxification and Sobering Center at 2052 Galisteo Street, Santa Fe, NM. Approved by a unanimous vote, 5-0.

• Approval to Utilize the Houston Galveston Area Council Cooperative Purchase Agreement, Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2012-5, Section 1, Outside Contracts, to Purchase Two (2) Fire Department Ambulances in the Amount of $564,373 and Authorization for the County Manager to Sign the Purchase Order. Approved by a unanimous vote, 5-0.
• Authorization to Utilize the Design Build Project Delivery Method for the East Mountain Regional Health Facility. Approved by a unanimous vote, 5-0.
• Authorization to Utilize the Design Build Project Delivery Method for the County Administration Offices Project. Approved by a unanimous vote, 5-0.

• Resolution No. 2017-106, A Resolution to Support the New Mexico Association of Counties’ 2018 Legislative Priorities. Approved by a unanimous vote, 5-0.
• Resolution No. 2017-107, A Resolution Declaring the Intent of the Board of County Commissioners of Santa Fe County, New Mexico, to Consider for Adoption an Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Santa Fe County, New Mexico Gross Receipts Tax Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2017, In an Aggregate Principal Amount Not to Exceed $29,000,000 for Purposes of Defraying the Costs of Defeasing, Refunding, Refinancing, Discharging, and Paying the Principal of and Accrued Interest On All or a Portion of the Callable Maturities of the County's Capital Outlay Gross Receipts Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2009, Capital Outlay Gross Receipts Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A, and Capital Outlay Gross Receipts Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2010B, and Paying the Costs of Issuance of the Series 2017 Refunding Bonds; and Directing the Publication of a Notice of Meeting, Public Hearing, and Intent to Consider an Ordinance Authorizing the Series 2017 Refunding Bonds in a Newspaper of General Circulation within the County, as Required by Section 4-37-7 NMSA 1978. Approved by a unanimous vote, 5-0.

Matters From the County Manager
Miscellaneous Updates

Matters From the County Attorney
Executive Session. Threatened or Pending Litigation in which Santa Fe County is or may Become a Participant, as Allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(7) NMSA 1978, Discussion of the Purchase, Acquisition or Disposal of Real Property or Water Rights, as allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(8) NMSA 1978, and Limited Personnel Matters, as Defined and as Allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(2) NMSA 1978, Including the Following:
• Rights-of-Way for County Roads.
• Board of County Commissioners of Santa Fe County v. Gregory Fuess, State of New Mexico, County of Santa Fe, First Judicial District, No. D-101-CV-2015-01936.
• Executive Management Personnel.
• Potential Lawsuit Against the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Based Upon HUD’S 2012 Breach of the Annual Contributions Contract.

Actions taken in open meeting as a result of discussion in Executive Session:
Resolution No. 2017-108, A Resolution Authorizing the County Manager to Take All Actions Necessary or Appropriate to Join Santa Fe County as Plaintiff in an Action Against the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Based Upon HUD’S 2012 Breach of the Annual Contributions Contract. Motion to approve by Commissioner Hansen; seconded by Commissioner Hamilton. Motion carried 5-0.

Discussion/Information Items/Presentations
• Recognition of Shelley Mann-Lev for Her Dedicated Service as the Director of the Santa Fe Prevention Alliance, and Prevention Coordinator for the Santa Fe Public Schools Office of Student Support Programs and Her Quest to Champion Initiatives to Better the Lives of Santa Fe County Youth.

Public Hearings (To Begin No Earlier Than 5:00 P.M.)
Land Use Cases (Possible Action Items)*
• CASE # MIS 17-5222 Jerry West Reconsideration of a Condition. Jerry West, Applicant, Sommer, Karnes & Associates, LLP, Agent, Request the Reconsideration of a Condition Imposed by the Board of County Commissioners on a Lot Size Variance for Jerry West. The Variance Allowed the Division of 10.9 Acres into Two Lots and Was Conditioned that No Additional Dwellings (Beyond What Was Existing) Would Be Allowed on the Property. The Applicant is Requesting an Amendment to the Condition Imposed by the BCC to Allow 4 Dwelling Units on 5.963 Acre Lot. The Property is Located Within the San Marcos Community Overlay District at 2 Loma Oriente Road, Within Section 26, Township 15 North, Range 8 East (Commission District 5). Motion to approve with staff conditions by Commissioner Moreno; seconded by Commissioner Hansen. Motion carried 5-0.
• CASE # APP 17-5021 Appeal of Jerry West Variance. Santa Fe County, Appellant, is Appealing the Santa Fe County Planning Commission’s Decision to Approve a Density Variance (Jerry West Variance Case # V17-5020) of Chapter 9, Table 9-14-4: Dimensional Standards of the San Marcos Community District Overlay Rural Residential (SMCD RUR-R) Zoning District. The Planning Commission Approved a Variance to Exceed the Density Requirement of One Dwelling Unit per Ten Acres by Allowing 4 Dwelling Units on a 5.963 Acre Lot. The Property is Located Within the San Marcos Community Overlay District at 2 Loma Oriente Road, Within Section 26, Township 15 North, Range 8 East (Commission District 5). Density Variance upheld.
• CASE # S 17-5270 Sivage Homes Reconsideration of Condition and Plat Amendment. Sivage Homes (Applicant), Design Enginuity (Oralynn Guerrerortiz), Agent, request reconsideration of a Condition imposed by the Board of County Commissioners to require shared driveways and a Plat Amendment of the previously approved Los Santeros at Las Campanas, which is now known as Las Melodias de Las Campanas to eliminate platted shared driveways. The property is located within the Las Campanas Subdivision at 2, 4, 10 and 12 Avenida Malaguena, within the Las Campanas Planned Development District, within Section 15, Township 17 North, Range 8 East (Commission District 2). Motion to approve with staff conditions by Commissioner Hansen; seconded by Commissioner Anaya. Motion carried 5-0.