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October 14, 2014 BCC Summary

October 14, 2014 BCC Summary

Santa Fe, NM – October 17, 2014 -Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC).  All five Commissioners were present for the meeting with Commissioner Anaya arriving for the Action Items.

 BCC meeting minutes from September 9, 2014 approved by unanimous vote 4-0 (Commissioner Anaya was not present for vote)

Special BCC meeting minutes from September 16, 2014 approved by unanimous vote 4-0 (Commissioner Anaya was not present for vote)

Special BCC Zoning Map meeting minutes from September 16, 2014 approved by unanimous vote 4-0 (Commissioner Anaya was not present for vote)

 Consent Calendar was unanimously approved 4-0, (Commissioner Anaya was not present for the vote):

Final Orders in Land Use Cases

  • Final order for BCC CASE #PCEV 14-5160 Univest-Rancho Viejo LLC Vacation of Easement. Univest-Rancho Viejo LLC, Applicant, James W. Siebert (James W. Siebert & Assoc. Inc.), Agent, Request Approval to Vacate a Platted Archaeological Easement on 118.670 Acres.
  • Final order for CDRC CASE # V14-5050 Lloyd and Magdalena Vigil Variance. Lloyd and Magdalena Vigil, Applicants, Requests a Variance of Article III, Section 10 (Lot Size Requirements) of the Land Development Code to Allow a 1.25 Acre Parcel to be Divided into Two (2) Lots; One Lot Consisting of 0.614 Acres and One Lot Consisting Of 0.637 Acres. This Request Also Includes a Variance of Article V, Section 8.1.3 (Legal Access) and Article 8.2.1c (Local Roads) of the Land Development Code.  The Road that Services the Property (Calle Rio Chiquito) Does Not Meet the Specifications of local Lane, Place or Cul-De-Sac Roads and do not have Adequate Drainage Control Necessary to Insure Adequate Access for Emergency Vehicles. 

(End of Consent Agenda)

 Action Items


  • Resolution No.  2014-113, Delegation of Authority to the County Manager to acquire real property interests in property located at 21 Ellis Ranch Road, Santa Fe, NM, for the Lamy Junction Project and to the County Attorney to initiate condemnation proceedings if negotiations are unsuccessful. Approved by unanimous vote, 4-0 (Commissioner Anaya was not present for the vote)
  • Resolution No. 2014 -114, Adopting Policies and Procedures for Proposing Weight Limits on Asphalt Paved Roads Maintained by Santa Fe County. Approved by unanimous vote, 5-0


  • Approval of Santa Fe Metropolitan Planning Organization amended and restated Joint Powers Agreement.  Tabled
  • Approval of County Health Care Assistance Claims in the Amount of $75,535.00  Approved by unanimous vote, 5-0


  • Presentation on Santa Fe County Water Supply and Water Commitments. 
  • Update on the La Bajada Ranch Steering Committee progress and request direction on planned approach for soliciting, evaluating and recommending project alternative to the Board of County Commission (Resolution 2012-106). The Board directed staff to proceed with the process and have a summary of proposals brought to the BCC. Approved by unanimous vote, 4-0 (Commissioner Chavez was not present for this vote)

 Matters from County Attorney

Executive Session -Approved by roll call vote to enter Executive Session, 4-0 (Commissioner Anaya was not present for the vote)

  • Discussion of threatened or pending litigation, as allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(7) NMSA 1978
    • Threatened or Pending Litigation Concerning the Adult Detention Facility
    • Discussion of the purchase, acquisition or disposal of real property or water rights, as allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(8) NMSA 1978
    • Deliberations in Connection with Administrative Adjudicatory Proceedings, as Allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(3) NMSA 1978. 
      • BCC CASE # PCEV 14-5120 Heather McCrea Vacation of Easement.

No action taken by BCC subsequent to discussion in Executive Session

Public Hearings

The Public Hearing on the proposed ordinance to amend and restate Ordinance 2012-12 as amended, an Ordinance enacting a Santa Fe County Code of Conduct; and repealing Ordinance No. 2011-9 was tabled indefinitely. 

Public Hearing on Land Use Cases

  • CDRC CASE # V 14-5240 Julie Lopez Variance, Julie Lopez, Applicant, Michael Sandrin, Agent, Requests A Variance of Article 4, Section 4.2 of Ordinance No. 2008-10 (Flood Damage And Stormwater Management) to allow a Driveway within a Flood Hazard Area. Approved by unanimous vote, 5-0
  • BCC CASE # PCEV 14-5320 Brian & Susanne Carlson Vacation of Easement.  Brian and Susanne Carlson, Applicant, (Sommer, Karnes & Assoc, LLP) Joseph Karnes, Agent, Request Approval to Vacate a platted Forty Seven Foot (47’) Wide Private Open Space and Drainage Easement on One Lot Totaling 2.55 Acres.  Approved by unanimous vote, 5-0
  • CDRC CASE # V/Z 14-5210 Senior Campus @ Caja del Rio. Caja del Rio Holdings, LLC, Applicant, Jenkins/Gavin, Agents, Request Master Plan Zoning Approval to Allow The Creation of a Large Scale Mixed Use District, to Be Utilized as a Senior Care Facility, to be Developed in Four Phases on 28 + Acres. The Request Also Includes a Variance of Article III, Section 6.4.2 (Density Review) and Article III, Section 10 (Lot Size Requirements) of the Land Development Code. Approved by unanimous vote, 5-0