News and Articles


October 25 BCC Meeting Summary

October 25 BCC Meeting Summary

Santa Fe, NM - October 26, 2011- Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC), Commissioner Kathy Holian was excused.

The Consent Calendar and minutes from the September 13, 2011 BCC meeting were approved.

Matters from the Commission:

  • New Mexico Association of Counties Executive Director Paul Gutierrez presented proposed Legislative priorities including: Support a mechanism to correct property tax inequities and resolve the current constitutionality program, allow PERA retirees to serve as poll workers without risking loss of retirement benefits, decriminalize traffic violations in New Mexico; increase the portion of the state Liquor Excise Tax allocated to the Local Government DWI Fund and dedicate a portion of that increase to the Administrative Office of the Courts for state drug courts, create a system to ensure that local option gross receipts taxes are remitted directly to the state with the proper location code, to ensure payment of revenues to local government and empower county commissions to band all fireworks in their jurisdictions during extreme drought conditions.
  • Resolution 2011-158, designating the polling places of each precinct in Santa Fe County. New precinct and voting location information will be sent to registered voters, published in the newspapers, posted on the County website and strategic locations throughout the County.

Appointments/ Reappointments/Resignations

  • Duncan Sill was appointed to the Santa Fe City and County Advisory Council on Food Policy.

Growth Management

  • Growth Management Administrator Jack Kolkmeyer provided a presentation outlining department duties of the divisions within the department: Planning, Building and Development Services, Code Enforcement and Geographic Information Services (GIS) and the projects and progress of each division.

Finance Division

  • Teresa Martinez, Finance Director gave an overview of the quarterly financial report ending September 30, 2011. The report is available at
  • The BCC approved Resolution 2011-159 and Resolution 2011-160, both requested an increase to the Law Enforcement Operations Fund to budget a grant awarded through the New Mexico Department of Public Safety for the 2010 and 2011 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance grant program for the Region III program. Resolution 2011-161, requesting an increase to the Economic Development Fund to budget a grant awarded through the Bureau of Reclamation for Developing a water resources inventory and functional water uses within the Espanola Basin was approved.

Public Works Department

  • The Commission unanimously approved the applications to the New Mexico Water Trust Board for water improvements and watershed projects in Santa Fe County.

Human Resources Department

  • The Commission unanimously approved the Santa Fe County 2012 Employee Calendar.

Matters from the County Manager

  • The Nambe Community Center is slated for completion in mid-January
  • The County is working to expand its Meals on Wheels program
  • A site suitability analysis is underway for La Bajada Ranch
  • The location of the Agua Fria Elementary School is under discussion with Santa Fe Public Schools. Locating the school by the river near the Nancy Rodriguez Community Center is being discussed.

All BCC meetings are broadcast live at www.santafecountynm.govor to view recorded video of this BCC meeting visit or check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days once approved at