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October 27, 2015 BCC Summary

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC).  All five commissioners were present.

BCC meeting minutes from the September 29, 2015 meeting were approved by unanimous vote, 5-0.

Employee Recognitions

Introduction of New Employees

Recognition of Years of Service for Santa Fe County Employees for July

Roberta Herzenberg – PSD/Corrections Medical Services/Therapist – 10 years

            Alfonso Gallegos – Assessor’s Office/Appraiser Sr. – 10 years

            Lisa Garcia – CSD/Senior Program/Administrator – 10 years

            Gerald Vigil – Assessor’s Office/Appraiser – 10 years

            Rita Archuleta – PSD/Corrections/Sergeant – 10 years

            Danny Ray Campos – PSD/Corrections/Sergeant – 10 years

            Victoria DeVargas – PSD/Fire/Fire Protection Specialist I – 10 years

            Wade Ellis – PSD/Corrections/Captain – 10 years

            Moises Gallegos – PSD/Corrections/Lieutenant – 10 years

            Patrick Gomez – PSD/Corrections/Booking Clerk – 10 years

            Lisa Leiding – PSD/Corrections Medical Services/Reg. Nurse Admin – 10 years

            Carlos Markman-Lopez – PSD/Corrections/Booking Manager – 10 years

            Anthony Ortega – PSD/Corrections/Sergeant – 10 years

            Robert Ortiz – PSD/Corrections/Volunteer Svs. Program Coord. – 10 years

            Francilla Perez – PSD/Corrections/Corporal – 10 years

            Joey Romero – PSD/Corrections/Corporal – 10 years

            Edward Roybal – PSD/Corrections/Captain – 10 years

            Maria Roybal – PSD/Corrections/Accounting Technician – 10 years

            Louis Sanchez – PSD/Corrections/Maintenance Technician – 10 years

            Daniel Solis – PSD/Corrections/Sergeant – 10 years

            Charlie Valdez – PSD/Corrections/Lieutenant – 10 years

            Serlo Vigil – PSD/Corrections/Sergeant – 10 years

            Dorothy Vigil – CMO/Finance/Accounting Technician – 10 years

            Marcie Vialpando – Assessor’s Office/Assessment Specialist II – 10 years

            Robert Martinez – PWD/Transportation/Division Director – 20 years

Consent Calendar - All Consent Agenda items, passed by unanimous vote, 5-0

Final Orders

  •          CDRC CASE # V 15-5110 Marta And Dolores Perez Variance. Marta and Dolores Perez, Applicants, Request a Variance of Ordinance No. 2002-9 (La Cienega and La Cieneguilla Traditional Community Planning Area and La Cienega Traditional Community Zoning District), Section 6.4 (Zoning Density) to Allow a Land Division of 2.5 Acres into Two Lots; Each Lot Consisting of 1.25 Acres.
  •          CDRC CASE # V 14-5310 Patrick Lysaght Variance. Patrick Lysaght, Applicant, Requested a Variance of Article VII, Section 3.4.1.c.1.c (No Build Areas) of The Land Development Code, to Allow the Construction of an Accessory Structure on Slopes Greater than 30%, A Variance of Article VII, Section 3.4.1.d.6 (Development Site), to Allow the Finished Floor of a Structure to Exceed (5’) Above Natural Grade, and a Variance of Article III, Section 2.3.6.b.1 (Height Restrictions) of The Land Development Code, and Section 3.8.2.d of Ordinance 2000-13 Tesuque Zoning District to Allow the Accessory Structure to Exceed the 18’ Height Limitations for Structures on a 15% Slope or Greater.
  •          CDRC CASE # V 15-5120 Cynthia Carter Variance. Cynthia Carter, Applicant, Requested a Variance of Article III, § 10 (Lot Size Requirements) of Santa Fe County Ordinance 1996-10, The Land Development Code (Code), to Allow Two Dwelling Units on 1.458 Acres.


  •          Resolution No. 2015-138, Approved the County Manager’s Signature on Grant Agreement 15-0553-STB, and Designating Official Representatives for Grant Agreement 15-0553-STB for Utility Line Improvements for the Village of Agua Fria in the Amount of $190,000.
  •          Resolution No. 2015-139, Approved the County Manager’s Signature on Grant Agreement 15-0550-STB, and Designating Official Representatives for Grant Agreement 15-0550-STB, and Designating Official Representatives for Grant Agreement 15-0550-STB for Vista Aurora Sewer System Improvement in the Amount of $40,000.
  •          Resolution No. 2015-140, Authorized the Disposition of Fixed Assets in Accordance with State Statute. 
  •          Resolution No. 2015-141, A Budget Increase to Capital Projects Federal Fund (305) to Budget a Grant from the Federal Highway Administration to Construct Segment 4 of the Santa Fe Rail Trail Project from Avenida Vista Grande to Avenida Eldorado in the Amount of $96,798.  (Finance/Carole Jaramillo/Public Works/Michael Kelley)
  •          Resolution No. 2015-142, A Budget Increase to Capital Outlay GRT Fund (313) to Budget Project Funds for the Santa Fe County Fairgrounds Site Improvements Including an Extension Office in the Amount of $239,500. 
  •          Resolution No. 2015-143, A Budget Increase to Capital Outlay GRT Fund (313) to Budget Project Funds for the La Barbaria Road Improvements Project that were Liquidated in Prior Year Purchase Orders in the Amount of $56,620.
  •          Resolution No. 2015-144, A Budget Increase to the General Fund (101) to Budget a Grant Awarded to the Community Services Volunteer Program / $8,200.00. 
  •          Resolution No. 2015-145, A Budget Increase to the Fire Protection Fund (209) to Budget the FY-2015 Availability Cash Balances for Various Fire Districts and to Reconcile the Current Year Allocation to the Actual Distribution Amount for the County Fire Department / $1,675,656.  (Finance Department/Carole Jaramillo)
  •          Resolution No. 2015-146, A Budget Increase to the Law Enforcement Operations Fund (246) to Budget One (1) Grant Awarded Through the New Mexico Department of Transportation for Highway Safety Projects in the Amount of $60,500 to fund the DWI Vehicle Forfeiture Clerical Position.
  •          Resolution No. 2015-147, A Budget Increase to the Fire Operations Fund (244) to Budget a FEMA Grant Awarded to the Fire Department / $56,819. 
  •          Resolution No. 2015-148, A Budget Increase to the Fire Tax Fund (222) to Budget a Grant Match for a FEMA Grant Awarded to the Fire Department / $5,681.  (Finance Department/Carole Jaramillo)
  •          Resolution No. 2015-149, A Budget Increase to the Alcohol Programs Fund (241) to Budget a Grant Awarded to the DWI Program / $60,000.00. 
  •          Resolution No. 2015-150, A Budget Increase to the Law Enforcement Operations Fund (246) to Budget a Grant Awarded through the Department of Justice/Edward Byrne Memorial/JAG and a Grant Awarded Through the Bureau of Land Management / $28,584.50. 


  •          Approved County Health Care Assistance Claims in the Amount of $76,603.00. 
  •          Accepted the Three Temporary Construction and Permanent Utility Easement Agreements for the La Cienega Waterline Extension Project.
  •          Accepted the Full Assignment of Right-Of-Way Easement No. R-34372 with the New Mexico State Land Office from the Pena Blanca Partnership.

(End Of Consent Agenda)

Action Items – All Action Items approved by unanimous vote 5-0 (with the exception of “Tabled” items)


  •          Acceptance of Resignation of William Baker from County Open Lands, Trails and Parks Advisory Committee (COLTPAC)
  •          Katherine Miller was Appointed Primary Member to the NMAC Workers Compensation Pool Board for the Remainder of Calendar Year 2015.


  •          Resolution No. 2015-151, Authorized the Chairperson of the Santa Fe County Commissioners to Sign the Four Year Plan Proposal and Enter into a Contract for Approved Four Year Area Plan (2016-2020) for Senior Services in Santa Fe County. 
  •          Resolution No. 2015-152, Authorized Holiday, Closing of County Offices and the 2016 Santa Fe County Employee Calendar.
  •          Resolution No. 2015-153, Governs Incentive Pay for Appraisers Employed in the County Assessor’s Office.  (Human Resources/Bernadette Salazar)
  •          TABLED - Resolution No. 2015-___, A Resolution Urging the U.S. Supreme Court to Uphold the Right of Unions to Charge Union Dues to All Bargaining Unit Employees as Established in Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, 431 U.S. 209 (1977).


  •          Approved Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. 2013-0115-CORR/PL with BI Incorporated for an Increased Contract Amount of $630,000.00 and Extend the Contract Term One (1) Additional Year for Electronic Monitoring Services and Grant Signature Authority to the County Manager to Sign the Purchase Order.
  •          Approved Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. 2014-0002-LG/MS with Daniels Insurance, Inc. for an Increased Contract Amount of $60,000.00 and Extend the Contract Term One (1) Additional Year for Insurance Broker and Consulting Services and Grant Signature Authority to the County Manager to Sign the Purchase Order. 


  •          Received Authorization to Publish Title and General Summary of Ordinance

No. 2015-__, Established Development Permit and Review Fees for Projects in Santa Fe County, New Mexico; and Repealing Ordinance 2008-12 and Section 9.A (Fee Table) of Ordinance No. 2010-6 (Motion Picture and Television Productions). Approved by unanimous vote, 4-0 (Commissioner Stefanics was not present for the vote).

  •          Received Authorization to Publish Title and General Summary of Ordinance No. 2015-__, An Ordinance Adopting the Zoning Map of Santa Fe County Applicable to Lands to Which The Santa Fe County Sustainable Land Development Code Applies.  Approved by unanimous vote, 5-0
  •          Received Authorization to Publish Title and General Summary of Ordinance No. 2015-__, An Ordinance Amending and Restating in its Entirety The Sustainable Land Development Code (SLDC), Ordinance 2013-6.  Approved by unanimous vote, 5-0.

Election Precincts and Polling Places

  •          Resolution No. 2015-154, Designated the Polling Place of Each Precinct in Santa Fe County, New Mexico, Creating a New and Separate Precinct 90 and Changing the Boundaries of Existing Precinct 82.  Approved by unanimous vote, 5-0.
  •          Approval of Map of New and Changed Precincts, Nos. 82 and 90.  Approved by unanimous vote, 5-0.
  •          Requested and Approved Action to Hold a Special Board of County Commission Meeting on Monday, November 2, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. in Santa Fe Commission Chambers to Deliberate on the Creation of a New and Separate Precinct 91 and Changing of Boundaries of Existing Precincts 23, 59, 60, and 61.  Approved by unanimous vote, 5-0.

Discussion/Information Items/Presentations

Treasurer’s Office/County Board of Finance Meeting

The Board of County Commissioners Temporarily Adjourned and Reconvened

as the Santa Fe County Board of Finance.

  1.       Call to Order
  2.       Roll Call
  3.       Presentation of the County’s Investment Portfolio for the Five Months Ending September 30, 2015.
  4.       Presentation and Approval of the County Treasurer’s Investment Plan.  Approved by unanimous vote, 5-0.
  5.       Adjourn

The Board of County Commissioners Adjourned as the Santa Fe County Board of Finance and Reconvened as the Santa Fe County Board of Commissioners.


  •          Presentation by New Mexico Association of Counties (NMAC) on NMAC and Legislative Priorities by Sharon Stover, NMAC President and Steve Kopelman, NMAC Executive Director.

Matters From The County Manager

  •          Miscellaneous Updates on Legislative Matters and Stanley Cyclone Center Ground Breaking.

Matters from the County Attorney

Closed Executive Session

  •          Deliberations in Connection with Administrative Adjudicatory Proceedings, as Allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(3) NMSA 1978. 

o   CDRC Case # ZMXT 13-5360 Buena Vista Estates, Inc. & Rockology LLC.

  •          Threatened or Pending Litigation in which Santa Fe County is or may Become a Participant, as Allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(7) NMSA 1978, including the following:
  •   Election Code Litigation.
  •   Arbitrations Involving the City of Santa Fe.
  •   Potential Breach of Contract Action.
  •          Discussion of the Purchase, Acquisition, or Disposal of Real Property, as allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(8) NMSA 1978.
  •   Acquisition of Real Property for Utilities.
  •   Disposal of Real Property in Socorro County, NM.
  •          Discussion on or Other Possible Action(s) with Respect to CDRC Case # ZMXT 13-5360 Buena Vista Estates, Inc. & Rockology LLC. 

Actions Taken as a Result of Discussions in Closed Executive Session

  •          Denial of the Application, CDRC Case #ZMXT 13-5360 Buena Vista Estates, Inc. and Rockology LLC since the Article Under Which Applicant Applied is No Longer Applicable.  Denial is Without Prejudice to Applicants Ability to Apply for a DCI Overlay Zoning District and DCI Conditional Use Permit Under Article 17 of the Land Development Code or Applicable Provisions of the Sustainable Land Development Code, Once in Effect.  Application denied by unanimous vote, 5-0. 

Public Hearings – All Public Hearings approved by unanimous vote, 5-0

  •          2015 Sustainable Growth Management Plan

o   Resolution No. 2015 -155,  Adopted The 2015 Sustainable Growth Management Plan and Repealing The 2010 Sustainable Growth Management Plan, Resolution Nos. 2010-210 and 2010-225.

  •          Land Use Cases (Possible Action Items)

o   BCC CASE # MIS 15-5180 Ojo Caliente Holdings, Inc. Beer & Wine Liquor License.  Ojo Caliente Holdings, Inc., Applicant, Linda Aikin, Agent, Request Approval for a Restaurant Beer and Wine Liquor License. The Property is Located at 242 Los Pinos Road, Within Section 28, Township 16 North, Range 8 East (Commission District 3). John M. Salazar, Case Manager

Information Items

  •          Growth Management Monthly Report
  •          Public Safety Monthly Report
  •          Public Works Monthly Report
  •          Human Resources Monthly Report
  •          Administrative Services Monthly Report
  •          Community Services Monthly Report
  •          Financial Report for the Quarter Ending September 30,2015