News and Articles


October 8, 2013 BCC Summary

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC), all five Commissioners were present.

The meeting minutes from the September 10, 2013 BCC meeting were unanimously approved (5-0)

The Consent Calendar was unanimously approved (5-0)

Items pulled off the Consent Calendar for discussion and action:

Amended Final Order CDRC Case #V13-5140 Robert Garcia Variance was unanimously approved 5-0

Proclamations and Presentations

A presentation was made on the Northwest Wells by County Hydrologist, Karen Torres

The Board of County Commissioners and Fire Chief Sperling recognized the accomplishments of the 2013 grant funded Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) – Santa Fe County Fire Department Wildland Hand Crew

District 50 House Representative Seat applicants introduced themselves and provided a brief overview on their interest in this position to the Commission

Matters from Elected Officials

Clerk’s Office

Resolution No. 2013-104, Designating the polling places of each precinct in Santa Fe County, New Mexico, and associated waiver of requirements of Resolution 2013-26 was unanimously approved 5-0


Appointment of two (2) members to the County Open Lands, Trails and Parks Advisory Committee (COLTPAC) was unanimously approved 5-0

Staff Items

Administrative Department

Signature authority for the County Manager to execute the purchase order for the replacement of 32 HVAC units at the Adult Detention Facility in the amount of $450,303.44 was unanimously approved 5-0

Matters from the County Manager

First study session on Adoption Draft of Sustainable Land Development Code is scheduled for October 15, 9:00am-12:00pm. Draft Code is online under “Hot Topics” or

Update on Legislative initiatives relative to funding hospitals

House District 50 seat nomination will be noticed for action on October 29 regular BCC meeting

Matters from the County Attorney

Executive Session

Public Hearings

Growth Management

BCC Case #MIS 13-5280 Andrew B. Scott D/B/A Andy’s Place was unanimously approved 5-0

CDRC Case #V 13-5190 Minnie Walsh variance was approved with conditions 3-2 (Commissioners Stefanics and Holian voting against)

CDRC Case #V 13-5110 Ellen Jacobs variance was tabled

The BCC Packet is available online by clicking the BCC meeting event on the Events calendar or visiting the BCC committee page All approved Ordinances and Resolutions are available on the County website at once they are approved and recorded. All BCC meetings are broadcast live at, on Comcast Ch. 28 and on Que Suave AM 810. To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, visit Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at, once approved.