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Open Burn Restrictions Extended to Include Ban on Certain Fireworks

Open Burn Restrictions Extended to Include Ban on Certain Fireworks 

Santa Fe County – June 16, 2011 – The Board of County Commissioners (BCC) passed Ordinance 2001-4 and Resolution 2011-87 at the Tuesday, June 14 BCC Meeting. Ordinance 2001-4, prohibits open burning in Santa Fe County and Resolution 2011-87 declares extreme or severe drought conditions and bans the sale and use of certain fireworks in the unincorporated portions of Santa Fe County and within wildland areas of the County.

This resolution and Ordinance shall be effective for 30 days and can be reissued if extreme or severe drought conditions continue.

Any types of fireworks that go up in the air such as missile–type rockets, helicopters, aerial spinners, stick-type rockets and ground audible devices including fire crackers are banned from use or sale in Santa Fe County. All fireworks are banned within wildland areas. This includes areas that are covered with trees, grass and shrubs.

An immediate and present danger of range fires, brush fires, grass fires, forest fires and structure fires currently exists within Santa Fe County due to persistent drought and lack of moisture. Current fire conditions such as low humidity, dry weather and wind have raised the risk of fires throughout the County.

“We cannot emphasize how important it is for residents of Santa Fe County to use caution, not just during the Fourth of July weekend, but throughout this entire drought season,” said Interim Fire Chief David Sperling. “If possible, residents should look for another alternative to enjoying fireworks such as a public or community display, instead of doing them at home.”

Residents are reminded they may be responsible for any property damage and/or the cost of fire suppression.

For more information on the firework ban you can call (505) 995-6523 visit our web site at or to view the Ordinance and Resolution visit

In an effort to promote wildfire protection Santa Fe County and the Santa Fe Solid Waste Management Authority are sponsoring a FREE County Green Waste Day Clean-Up on June 25. Santa Fe County and Santa Fe City residents can take their green waste to the Buckman Road Recycling and Transfer Station (BuRRT), 2600 Buckman Road for FREE between 8 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. on Saturday, June 25, 2011. Green waste includes dried leaves, grasses, weeds, tree limbs and brush. Residents can gather and clean up items around their homes that would otherwise present a fire hazard. Non flammable items such as household trash or appliances will NOT be accepted.