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Preliminary Flood Insurance Appeal Process Begins August 11, 2011

Preliminary Flood Insurance Appeal Process Begins August 11, 2011

Santa Fe, NM – August 10, 2011- The formal 90-day appeal process for the February 2011 Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps will begin on August 11, 2011. The primary areas being remapped within Santa Fe County include: Arroyo Hondo, Tesuque Creek and lower Santa Fe River. All residents with property in the remapping areas were notified by letter in February 2011.

During the appeal period, community officials and individual property owners may appeal the proposed base flood elevations and depths indicated on the preliminary maps by submitting data and documentation to show that the proposed base flood elevations or depths are scientifically or technically incorrect. The preliminary maps are available for inspection in the Building and Development Services offices, 102 Grant Avenue, and are available for public review online at

Please direct specific mapping questions or appeal submittal questions to Shelley Cobau, CFM, Floodplain Administrator at (505) 986-6223 or