News and Articles


Public Input on County Growth Plan Changes Schedule

Public input received at the Santa Fe County Development Review Committee (CDRC) public hearing on November 12 has resulted in several changes to the Sustainable Land Development Plan (SLDP) process. There were five key themes that emerged from the public during that meeting: (1) residents of communities that have developed community plans would prefer that their plans not be altered; (2) the draft Plan is too long; (3) the public needs more time to absorb the draft Plan; (4) there should be opportunities for more citizen input; and (5) the draft Plan is not sustainable enough, it should require more sustainable protections. There also were other, specific comments and recommendations made by the public at the meeting.

The County Planning Team has reviewed the suggestions and is working to incorporate recommended changes. Integrating the new input and suggested changes will change the draft Plan and the Public Hearing schedule. The revised SLDP will be released for additional public review on December 7. The next public hearing on the SLDP will be on December 17 at 6:00 pm in the County Commission Chambers. The public hearing on the SLDP scheduled for December 3 has now been postponed. Additional public hearings will be scheduled for early 2010.

For more information on the Sustainable Land Development Plan and how to participate in the planning process, please contact Robert Griego, at 986-6215 or

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