News and Articles


Public Meeting for the Northern New Mexico Recreation Complex

Santa Fe Open Space and Trails will be hosting a public meeting for the Northern New Mexico Recreation Complex Wednesday, August 28 at 7:00 p.m.

Santa Fe County is in the initial stages of planning, programming and site selection for a regional recreation facility with multiple sports fields to serve the northern part of Santa Fe County. County staff and the project team will make a brief presentation to introduce the project, and then open the discussion to answer questions and get your input regarding the recreational needs of Northern Santa Fe County to help guide the planning for this facility.

The meeting will be held at the Pablo Roybal Elementary School, Multi-purpose room, 1574 State Road 502.


7:00 – Project overview and information

7:20 – Q & A

7:45 - Wrap-up

Light refreshments will be provided

For further information please contact Colleen Baker, Program Manager for Open Space and Trails, at (505) 992-9868 or