News and Articles


Public Participation Encouraged in County Oil & Gas Ordinance Hearings

Santa Fe County announces several opportunities in November and December for public involvement in the revision and adoption of the Oil and Gas Element, Oil and Gas Ordinance and Growth Management Element.  The following meetings and hearings of the County Development Review Committee (CDRC) and the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) will be open to the public, and participation is encouraged.


November 6th
CDRC Meeting
4:00; County Commission Chambers, 2nd Floor, County Administration Building, 102 Grant Avenue

·         Technical Presentations by the County Hydrologist, Geologist, and Petroleum Engineer

·         Overview of proposed changes to the Oil and Gas Element and Oil and Gas Ordinance


November 13th
CDRC Meeting
4:00; County Commission Chambers, 2nd Floor, County Administration Building, 102 Grant Avenue

·         Presentation of the final draft of the Oil & Gas Element and Ordinance

·         Recommendation of the CDRC to the Board on the Oil & Gas Element and Ordinance

·         Introduction of the Growth Management Element


November 18th
Board of County Commissioners Public Hearing
3:00; County Commission Chambers, 2nd Floor, County Administration Building, 102 Grant Avenue

·         Adoption of Oil & Gas Element and Ordinance


December 4th
CDRC Meeting
3:00; County Commission Chambers, 2nd Floor, County Administration Building, 102 Grant Avenue

·         Presentation of the final draft of the Growth Management Element

·         Recommendation of the CDRC to the Board on the Growth Management Element


December 9th
Board of County Commissioners Public Hearing
4:00; County Commission Chambers, 2nd Floor, County Administration Building, 102 Grant Avenue

·         Adoption of Growth Management Element and Ordinance