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Relating to Respect In The Workplace In Santa Fe County

Relating to Respect In The Workplace In Santa Fe County

The Board of County Commissioners recently approved and adopted resolution 2010-179, Relating to Respect In The Workplace In Santa Fe County, as a commitment to ending workplace abuse. Commissioner Liz Stefanics sponsored the Resolution. 

“I believe that all of our employees should feel safe in the workplace without pressure or bullying from supervisors or elected officials. This is not always overt but covert actions can be just as harmful to employees,” expressed Commissioner Stefanics.

The resolution states Santa Fe County is committed to maintaining a culture of mutual respect, free from workplace abuse, among managers, employees, and supervisors of our respective governmental agencies. It continues by expressing that in collaboration with management, Union, and Human Resources the BCC will adopt or develop policies to prohibit workplace abuse. Santa Fe County intends to take a leadership position to advance the cause of respect in the workplace.

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