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REMINDER - Santa Fe County Treasurer’s Office Extends Business Hours

From the Office of the Santa Fe County Treasurer

Patrick “Pat” Varela, Treasurer

Eric J. Lujan, Deputy Treasurer

Santa Fe County Treasurer's Office Extends Business Hours

Santa Fe, NM – April 3, 2013 – The Santa Fe County Treasurer, Patrick “Pat” Varela, will extend business hours by one hour during the second half of the property tax collections (Monday, April 8, 2013 through Friday, May 10, 2013) to better serve the tax payers of Santa Fe County. The regular hours of operation for the Treasurer’s Office are Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. however, during second half of tax collections the Treasurer’s Office will be open from 8 a.m.- 6 p.m.

“I have received a number of requests from the public asking that we stay open later during peak collection periods, this change in business hours was taken into consideration based on those requests,” said County Treasurer Pat Varela. He continued, “ If the service is fully utilized, the extended time will continue through all peak collection periods.”

For more information regarding property taxes, please contact the Treasurer’s Office at (505) 986-6245.