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Santa Fe County Approved Open Burn Restriction Emergency Ordinance

Santa Fe County Approved Open Burn Restriction Emergency Ordinance

Santa Fe County – May 7, 2013 – Due to low winter precipitation, high winds and very high fire danger the Santa Fe County Fire Department by approval of the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) issued an emergency ordinance at the April 30, 2013 BCC meeting declaring hazardous fire conditions and imposing restrictions on open fires, smoking and other ignition sources.

Ordinance 2013-001 prohibits:

  • Open fires of any kind;
  • Open burning of vegetation or rubbish;
  • Smoking within a County park, campground or any wild land area, except within an enclosed vehicle or in a building which is specifically authorized for such and is exempt from the NM No Smoking in Public Facilities Act;
  • Littering on public roadways/areas with ignited smoking materials;
  • Use of off-road vehicles, motor bikes, or other motorized apparatus within county parks, campgrounds and wild land areas;
  • The issuance of licenses or permits for open burning;
  • Campfires

Any individual, firm, partnership or other entity found violating this emergency ordinance can be found guilty of a petty misdemeanor and punished by imprisonment for up to 90 days or a fine not to exceed $300.00, or both. Each act shall constitute a separate violation.

“In the past Santa Fe County has not considered burn restrictions until the summer months, but with the limited snow fall, lack of rain, and continuous winds the drought situation in the County and state wide has increased the threat of a wildland fire. We ask that residents be diligent in preventing a wildland fire emergency from occurring,” says Fire Chief David Sperling.

Any open burn permits that have been issued for the next 30 days are now void. Residents will need to obtain a new permit once restrictions have been lifted. A copy of the Ordinance is available