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Citizens registered to vote in Santa Fe County can sign up to be an election worker at one of the 90 precincts around the county. Updated voter registration information is required. To update your voter information or to submit a new voter registration application, call the Santa Fe County Clerk’s office at 986-6280.

Election workers MUST attend a mandatory 2-3 hour training class before being allowed to work an election. They must be at the polling place they are assigned on Election Day from 6 a.m. until all tasks are completed, usually about 8 p.m. or 9 p.m.

All election workers are required to take an Oath of Office to uphold the state and federal constitutions. Presiding Judges are paid $200 per day and must have prior election experience. Election judges and clerks are paid $150 per day for their service.

Election workers play a vital part in our democracy. The next election will be the November 8th General Election. To sign up, please call Teri Martinez, Election Workers Coordinator, in the Santa Fe County Clerk Office at 986-6283.