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Santa Fe County Drug Take Back Collects 600 Pounds of Unwanted Medication

Santa Fe County Drug Take Back Collects 600 Pounds of Unwanted Medication

Santa Fe, NM - April 29, 2014 - A coordinated Drug Take Back event over the weekend weighed in with over 600 pounds of unwanted medication collected. The Santa Fe County Community Services, Sheriff and Fire Departments, Town of Edgewood Police, City of Santa Fe Police, New Mexico State Police and the Drug Enforcement Administration collected expired and unused drugs in six different locations throughout the county on Saturday, April 26.

“I am very pleased that the collective efforts of law enforcement were so successful in Santa Fe County.” said Rachel O’Connor, Director of Santa Fe County Community Services Department. “600 pounds of drugs are now safely disposed of and off the street”.

The prescription drug overdose death rate in New Mexico is one of the highest in the United States and Santa Fe County is one of the highest in New Mexico. A majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, often right out of the home medicine cabinet. To prevent pill abuse, lock up prescription medication, especially opioid painkillers as these highly prescribed medications are being used by kids to get high.

Americans are now advised that previous practices for disposing of unused medicines - flushing them down the toilet or throwing them in the trash - pose safety and health hazards and should not be done. The DEA sponsors these Drug Take Back days twice a year so that people can safely dispose of these potentially dangerous drugs. The next Drug Take Back event is scheduled for the Fall.

For more information contact Peter Olson at 992-9844 or