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Santa Fe County Expands New Adult Detention Facility Re-Entry Team

Agencies Partner to Assist Inmates in Finding Services Upon Release

Santa Fe County announces an enhanced partnership between the Santa Fe County Community Services and Public Safety Departments for the funding and development of a Re-Entry team to assist high risk inmates with reintegration issues upon release from the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility. The Re-Entry Team, which is currently comprised of two Re-Entry Specialist positions, will receive new funding for a third member. The new Re-Entry Specialist will provide mental health screening and assist high risk inmates in obtaining medical, social, and other supports upon release from the Adult Detention Facility and re-entry into the community. The total project is funded with $300,000 from the Santa Fe County Community Services Department.

The goal of the Re-Entry program is to reduce recidivism by providing a continuum of care for those inmates that are at high-risk due to behavioral health issues. Research indicates that increased enrollment in Medicaid and access to both physical and behavioral health services upon release reduces recidivism. Other studies indicate that Medicaid enrollment upon release, especially for those with behavioral health challenges, increases a person’s capacity to access and use community based health care services.

“Jails have become the de-facto treatment center for those with mental health issues. Too often we see people who stabilize at the jail, but fall between the cracks when they are released into the community and we need to bridge the gap,” said Santa Fe County Public Safety Director Pablo Sedillo.

“It is the job of this new team to see that whenever possible, inmates leaving the jail have the support and resources they need to live healthy lives in the community,” said Rachel O’Connor, Director of the Community Services Department. “We believe in many cases incarceration can be avoided for people that receive adequate support in their community.”

Since its inception in 2016 the Re-Entry Specialists have assisted 324 people in obtaining services and have placed 103 in community based programs. It is estimated that 80% of County inmates have a behavioral health disorder.
In its Health Action Plan 2015-2017, the Santa Fe County Community Services Department has committed to reducing alcohol and drug abuse amongst Santa Fe County residents.

Contact for more information: Rachel O’Connor, Santa Fe County, 505-992-9842