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Santa Fe County Finance Division Revamps Website

Santa Fe County Finance Division Revamps Website
Releases the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

Santa Fe County Finance Division has been working hard to provide additional information to the public by improving the Finance Division’s website. The division recently added a Bond Portfolio page that allows the public to review the County’s long-term debt portfolio, disclosure documents, and credit rating agency reports.

The Finance Division also added a page to its website with links to Finance-related Resolutions and Ordinances for easier reference:

“We are constantly working to improve our transparency and customer service, and to provide the public with as much relevant information about the County’s financial health as possible,” said Finance Director Stephanie Schardin Clarke.

Additionally, in December 2017, the County released its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for Fiscal Year 2017. The CAFR (also available online contains detailed financial information that allows the public to assess the financial health of the County.

The CAFR received an unmodified opinion from auditors, which is the best opinion possible, noting that it fairly represents the financial condition of the County and financial statements are presented in accordance with applicable financial reporting framework.

“The audited CAFR is an important transparency tool that allows the public to see how much tax revenue is collected and how that revenue is expended. The CAFR also reflects the strong financial health and internal control environment of the County,” said Finance Director Stephanie Schardin Clarke.