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Santa Fe County Fire Department Promotes Defensible Space Program

Santa Fe, NM- As we enter peak fire season, the Santa Fe County Fire Department would like to encourage residents to participate in the County’s Defensible Space Program, within the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) areas, to protect their homes and structures during a wildland fire. Defensible space is the space between a structure and the WUI area, potentially creating a buffer zone to slow or halt the spread of fire and protect the home from igniting due to direct flame impingement or radiant heat. 

This program, authorized under Section 104.2 of the 2021 International Wildland Urban Interface Code (IWUIC) and part of Santa Fe County Ordinance 2023-06, establishes a process by which property owners within the Wildland Urban Interface areas can obtain a letter confirming the extent to which the property complies with the Fire Code requirements and recommendations pertaining to defensible space. The Fire Marshal anticipates that this program will encourage defensible space compliance and may help property owners obtain homeowners insurance.

To apply for a defensible space certification, please visit: Santa Fe County Defensible Space Regulations.

This program underscores the County’s commitment to fire safety and encourages proactive measures among property owners. Jaome Blay, Assistant Chief and Fire Marshal states, "While Santa Fe County Fire Department is poised to respond and protect our community during a wildfire, successful mitigation requires property owner’s collaboration.”

The time is now to protect your house and family in advance of a fire. For more information about the Defensible Space program, contact Remington Gillum at (505) 995-6532 or  For additional information, please visit: and Santa Fe Ready, Set, Go Guide.
