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Santa Fe County Hazard Mitigation Available for Public Review and Comment

Santa Fe County is seeking review and public comment on the County’s Hazard Mitigation Plan. The plan assesses risks posed by natural and man-made hazards, identifies ways to reduce those risks, and allows the County to become eligible for mitigation funding from FEMA.

To view the Hazard Mitigation Plan visit

A Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee (HMPC) including representatives from various county departments developed the Hazard Mitigation Plan over the past 9 months with assistance from a consultant. The plan update identifies hazard mitigation goals and 30 mitigation projects with the intent of reducing losses from hazard events before they occur. A series of public workshops were held during the planning process to solicit input on the hazards and ideas for mitigation projects.

Through the plan you will learn more about what Santa Fe County is doing to minimize the impacts of floods, dam failures, wildfires, hazardous materials incidents, and other hazards.

Public Comments will be accepted until 5 p.m. on Monday, September 12 2016.

Hard copies will also be available for review upon request through the Santa Fe County Office of Emergency Management.