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Santa Fe County Housing Authority Occupancy Rate 97%

Santa Fe County Housing Authority Occupancy Rate 97%

Santa Fe, NM – February 14, 2013 – The Santa Fe County Housing Authority has reached an occupancy rate of 97%, with no more than six of the 199 public housing for low-income apartments units un-occupied or in the process of making ready for occupancy.

“Hopefully in the near future occupancy rate will be 100% as we work to continue housing families in need of safe and decent housing in Santa Fe County,” said Housing Director Ron Pacheco.

Public Housing is subsidized housing from federal funds to low-income families in the way of rent controlled apartments and Housing Choice Vouchers that provide rental assistance on a monthly basis to low-income families in need.

With both programs (public housing or vouchers) the demand is so great that the current waiting list is around 542 families waiting for available apartments and 1066 families waiting for a housing choice voucher.

Pacheco said, “With such a large waiting list for both programs occupancy is important and efforts to increase affordable housing in the county will continue.”

An individual or family can apply for assistance in one or both programs and be placed on a waiting list for an apartment or a voucher that will provide rental assistance.

For more information, including an application visit call Santa Fe County Public Housing (505) 992-3060.