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Santa Fe County Housing Staff Hands out Joshua Tree Project Gifts

Santa Fe County Housing Staff Hands out Joshua Tree Project Gifts

Santa Fe, NM – December 16, 2011 - Santa Fe County Housing division would like to thank all Santa Fe County staff members who participated in the Joshua Tree Project. The gifts have already started to be distributed and will continue to be handed out through Saturday, December 17, 2011.

The Joshua Tree Project began in 2007. It is a program that provides gifts to every child who resides in County affordable housing sites, courtesy of a Santa Fe County employee. Housing staff sets up trees “Joshua Trees” at different County buildings with tags for each child that resides in the one of the three housing sites. Each tag has the child’s name and age as well as a identification code, employees then pick up a tag or as many tags as they would like and get gifts for each child.

"Every year there are over 200 tags for children and every year County staff picks up the tags and donates for the children, it is an amazing to see all the children at the Christmas parties opening their gifts and knowing it is all possible because of Santa Fe County staff,” said Dodi Salazar Executive Director of Housing Operations.

There are three Christmas parties held, one at each housing site where the gifts are distributed to the children.

 For more information contact Dodi Salazar at 505-992-3058 or