News and Articles


Santa Fe County Lodgers’ Tax Advisory Board Notice of Funding Availability

This Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) is provided by Santa Fe County Lodgers’ Tax Advisory Board and the Santa Fe County Manager’s Office for advertising, publicizing or promoting tourist attractions in Santa Fe County.

Successful applicants shall clearly delineate how their activities are intended to increase tourism activities and visitors to Santa Fe County.

Document Type:Funding Notice
Funding Opportunity Number:LTAB-APP-FY16/17
Opportunity Category:Discretionary
Posting Date:Friday, April 21, 2017
Closing Date: Monday, May 8, 2017 at 2 PM MDT
Funding Instrument: Grant Agreement
Category of Funding: Advertising, Publicizing, Promotion
Expected Number of Awards: 6 +/-
Total Program Funding:$40,000 + / -
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: None – however Applicants shall demonstrate how these funds will be leveraged
Term of Funding:May 15, 2017 – June 30, 2018

Description: The Santa Fe County Manager’s Office and Lodger’s Tax Advisory Board are seeking applications for the advertising, publicizing or promoting tourist attractions in Santa Fe County. Program funding will be available from May 15, 2017 through June 30, 2018.

Upon completion of activities, successful applicants are required to prepare and present to the Lodgers’ Tax Advisory Board outcomes of funded activities to include the number of visitors or attendees for the particular activity.

Eligible Applicants: Government entities and non-profit organizations, including those that engage in income-generating activity that is directly related to their exempt purpose, may apply for Lodgers’ Tax Funding Assistance.

Additional Information on Eligibility: A program is not an eligible applicant. As defined, an eligible applicant is a government entity or a non-profit that will serve as the Fiscal Agency/Fiduciary for the program.
Authorized Program Area: For the purposes of this funding notice, the authorized program areas are limited to for advertising, publicizing or promoting tourist attractions in Santa Fe County.

Eligible Activities: For purposes of this funding notice, applications shall be limited to government entities and non-profits that have the required qualifying documents for advertising, publicizing or promoting tourist attractions in Santa Fe County.

Supplanting: Grant funds are intended to add to, augment, or supplement, not replace, resources already committed to the program activities.

Application Procedure: Applicants may request application information by contacting Lisa Katonak at 505-986-6200 or All applications are due no later than Monday, May 8, 2017 at 2:00 PM MDT, and shall be submitted in accordance with the procedures outlined within the application packet.