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Santa Fe County Lodgers’ Tax Board Calls for Letters of Interest

The Santa Fe County Lodgers’ Tax Advisory Board is requesting governmental entities and non-profit organizations, including those that engage in income generating activity that is directly related to their exempt purpose, to submit a Letter of Interest regarding their interest in Lodger’s Tax Funding Assistance to support tourism attractions and tourism-related events.

Your Letter of Interest should address the following:

  •          Describe your organization, organization’s mission, history and past accomplishments.
  •          Write a brief synopsis of your tourist attraction including its purpose and goals;
  •          The Letter of Interest should be limited to two pages.
  •          Letters should be addressed to the attention:

Lodgers’ Tax Advisory Board

c/o Lisa Katonak, Santa Fe County Manager’s Office

P.O. Box 276

Santa Fe, NM 87504

Deadline for Letter of Interest Submittal is Monday, June 27, 2016 by 5 p.m.