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Santa Fe County Public Planning Charrettes

Santa Fe County invites the public to participate in the process to update the County’s General Plan at one of four Charrettes.  A “Charrette” is an intensive, three-day workshop that provides a consensus-based foundation for the Plan Update.  A Charrette has been held in the El Norte Area, and a Charrette will be held in each of the County’s three remaining Growth Management Areas (GMAs):   El Centro, Galisteo and Estancia.  Citizens are encouraged to attend the Charrette in the Area in which they live, but are welcome to attend the public meetings at any of the Charrettes.  The next Charrette will be held in El Centro.
El Centro Charrette

February 9-11, 2009
Santa Fe Community College Jemez Room; 6401 Richards Avenue
Public Kick-Off Meeting
Monday, February 9; 6:00-8:00pm
Public Open House
Tuesday, February 10; 9:00am-8:00pm
Public Workshop

Wednesday, February 11; 6:00-8:00pm
Stakeholder Meetings
If you are interested in participating in an El Centro Stakeholder Meeting, please visit  Or, you may contact Robert Griego at (505) 986-6215 for further information. Planned topics include:

  •   Housing
  •   Open Space and Conservation
  •   Economic Development
  •   Developers / Builders
  •   Water / Wastewater
  •   Public Safety
  •   Transportation
  •   Community Services / Social Services / Schools
  •   Agriculture
  •   Communities