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Santa Fe County receives an A+ for Website Transparency

Santa Fe County receives an A+ for Website Transparency

Santa Fe, NM – March 9, 2012 – Santa Fe County received a Sunshine Award for the Santa Fe County website from the national nonprofit organization, Sunshine Review. The award honors the most transparent government websites in the nation. Sunshine Review recently released the winners of the third annual Sunny Awards, in which Santa Fe County earned the top grade of an A+ in the grading system. Over 6,000 websites are reviewed and analyzed by editors at Sunshine Review of which 214 from across the nation were selected for the award. Over the course of two years Santa Fe County has improved the original D- grade to an A+ with the Sunshine Review organization. To view the grade sheet for Santa Fe County visit,_New_Mexicoor to view the Santa Fe County website visit

"I am excited that Santa Fe County has improved over the last few years to make our county information transparent though our sunshine section," said Commission Chair, Liz Stefanics. Stefanics continued," Past and current commissioners and staff have collaborated on this important priority and we want the public to know that we are always open to their ideas."

Resolution 2011- 26 was unanimously approved by the Board of County Commissioners on February 22, 2011 and enacted the web-based County Sunshine Public Information Section to provide public access to County information. In March 2011 Santa Fe County launched the Sunshine Public Information Section of the Santa Fe County website, which includes employee salaries, a searchable County contracts database, and Checkbook register. There is also links to other important information including: Minutes and Agendas, a Full Calendar of Events, County meeting video on demand, Ordinances and Resolutions, Budget Information, Audit information, current Bid Solicitations and more.

"The grade of an A+ is a great accomplishment and recognizes the efforts of the entire county, "said Katherine Miller, Santa Fe County Manager.

Sunshine Review is a nonprofit organization dedicated to state and local government transparency. Sunshine Review collaborates with individuals and organizations throughout America in the cause of an informed citizenry and a transparent government.