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Santa Fe County Regional Emergency Communication Center Receives Accreditation

Santa Fe County Regional Emergency Communication Center Receives Accreditation

The Santa Fe County Regional Emergency Communications Center (RECC) was recently awarded accreditation as an Emergency Medical Dispatch Center of Excellence by the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch (IAED). The Emergency Medical Dispatch Center of Excellence is the highest distinction for comprehensive implementation and compliance with the Medical Priority Dispatch System (MPDS) and associated “20 Points of Excellence”. The Santa Fe RECC is the 168th center in the world to receive this award.

Earning the Accreditation Award is voluntary and involves completing a detailed self study and analysis. According to the IAED, this accomplishment demonstrates to not only each individual within the communication center, but also to the administration, community, and the world, that Santa Fe RECC is compliant with all international practice standards for Emergency Medical Dispatch.

“The RECC operators and administrative staff have worked extremely hard toward this accreditation, it is a huge accomplishment that we have been working toward for almost 10 years. It would not have been possible without the dedication and effort of everyone involved,” said Ken Martinez, RECC Director.

For more information contact Ken Martinez, RECC Director at (505) 992-3096 or (505) 660-3341.