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Santa Fe County Released Calendar Year 2014 Annual Report

Santa Fe County released the Calendar Year 2014 Annual Report at the May 12, 2015 Board of County Commissioners meeting.

The Annual Report is a summary of the activities of Santa Fe County for the calendar year 2014. Santa Fe County is built on the energy and drive of our residents, and we are continuously working to exceed even our own goals and expectations. This year’s Annual Report is designed to capture the dynamic areas of county government in a snapshot. It provides an overview of department highlights, accomplishments, completed projects, and accreditations. The report also provides the fiscal year budget, funding sources, and tax dollar breakdowns in which our government runs. The Annual Report does not so much focus on the daily activities of government, but the noteworthy items. We highlight some of the many ways we work diligently as a government to grow our community, the projects that push us forward to be a better government, to serve the people in new ways, and to expand on what we are doing, to make Santa Fe County grow. Many services have been expanded, partnerships have been created, and community improvements have been made in the last year. We hope you enjoy reading about how your government is working for you.

Click on Front Cover Image to View Annual Report.