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Santa Fe County Water Policy Advisory Committee (WPAC) Is Seeking To Fill Two Vacancies

The Santa Fe County is seeking two interested members of the general public to serve on the Water Policy Advisory Committee (WPAC), a committee formed by the Board of County Commissioners in 2013 through Resolution 2013-42

Applicants for these seats must live either in District 1 or receive water from a mutual domestic water association within Santa Fe County.  

Please visit view a map of the commission districts.

The 12-member Water Policy Advisory Committee is tasked to advise the Board of County Commissioners on water policy such as the water requirements of the Sustainable Land Development Code, the County water and wastewater utility plan, the Aamodt Settlement regional water system, water resource management, the 40-year Water Plan, and the Conjunctive Management Plan.  

Committee members are responsible for attending meetings, currently scheduled at 5 p.m. on the second Thursdays, every other month, as well as participating in ad-hoc working groups on specified topics.  

Interested individuals should submit a letter of interest and resume to:

Santa Fe County Utilities Division
Attn:  Claudia Borchert
424 Hwy 599 New Mexico Frontage Road

Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507

Phone: (505) 992-9872


Application Deadline is Wednesday, November 25, 2015