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September 11, 2012 BCC Summary

September 11, 2012 BCC Summary

Santa Fe, NM – September 13, 2012 - Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC). All five Commissioners were present.

The BCC approved the July 31, 2012 BCC Meeting Minutes.

Consent Calendar was approved.


Ken Martinez, Regional Emergency Communication Center (RECC) Director gave a presentation of the National Academies of Emergency Dispatch (NAED) Accredited Center of Excellence in Emergency Medical Dispatch Award To Santa Fe RECC For 2012-2015.


The BCC approved a proclamation joining the President and all 50 Governors and more than 1,000 cities and counties across the nation in proclaiming and supporting Family Day-A Day To Eat Dinner With Your Children.

A Proclamation was approved recognizing Fiesta Council President Debra A. Norris-Sparks and the official commencement of the 300th Fiesta De Santa Fe.

Administrative Services Department

Agreement No. 2012-0268-FD/MS with Weil Construction Inc. for the construction of the Southern Region Headquarters – Edgewood Fire Station in the amount of $2,891,450.00, Exclusive Of Gross Receipts Tax (GRT) was approved unanimously.

A waiver from Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2012-5 to purchase volume licensing of Microsoft Software through Shi International on WSCA state price agreement No. 20-000-00-0003B for three years in the amount of $366,054.75, Exclusive of GRT was approved unanimously.

Growth Management Department

The BCC approved an abandonment of unused and unusable easement adjacent to La Bajada Ranch (4-1 with Commissioner Mayfield voting against).

Finance Division

The BCC approved to issue a written order approving and imposing the 2012 Property Tax Rates for Santa Fe County, set by the State of New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration (3-2 with Commissioner Anaya and Commissioner Mayfield voting against).

Matters from the Commission


Resolution No. 2012-109, a Resolution supporting disclosure of all sales to the Assessor was approved (4-1 with Commissioner Anaya voting against).

Resolution No. 2012-110, A Resolution supporting local government database royalties was approved unanimously.

Resolution No. 2012-111, A Resolution supporting traffic violation reform was approved unanimously.

Resolution No. 2012-112, A Resolution supporting EMS funding was approved unanimously.

Resolution No. 2012-113, A Resolution supporting fireworks licensing and safety was approved unanimously.

Resolution No. 2012- 114, A Resolution supporting delinquent property tax sales was approved (4-1 with Commissioner Anaya voting against).

Resolution No. 2012-115, A Resolution supporting the 2013 legislative priorities of the New Mexico Association of Counties was approved (4-1 with Commissioner Anaya voting against).

Growth Management Department – Public Hearings

CDRC Case # V 12-5120 Elia Gutierrez Variance – Approved

CDRC Case # V 12-5090 Lawrence Maes Variance – Approved

CDRC Case # V 12-5160 Timothy Armijo Variance – Approved

BCC Case # MIS 12-5270 Ponderado Estates Subdivision Phase II Time Extension – Approved

CDRC Case # V 12-5250 Carla Cavalier Variance – Approved

CDRC Case # V 12-5130 Joseph & Anna Garcia Variance – Approved

CDRC Case # V 12-5150 Victor & Patsy Roybal Land Division /Variance – Tabled to September 25, 2012 meeting (4-1 with Commissioner Holian voting against).