News and Articles


September 24, 2013 BCC Summary

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC), all five Commissioners were present.

The meeting minutes from the August 27, 2013 BCC meeting were unanimously approved 5-0

All items on the Consent Calendar were approved with amendments

Items pulled off the Consent Calendar for discussion and action:

Agreement between Santa Fe County and the Eldorado Community Improvement Association regarding construction and maintenance of multi-use trails within the Eldorado community was unanimously approved 5-0

Use of District 5 Capital Funds, per Capital Outlay Policy, allocating $90,000 for trails and trail improvements in the Eldorado subdivision in Santa Fe County was unanimously approved 5-0

Use of District 5 Funds, per Capital Outlay Policy, allocating $10,000 as cash match to Legislative Grant 13-1769 for road improvements in the Eldorado subdivision in Santa Fe County was unanimously approved 5-0

Resolution No. 2013-98, Supporting Property Tax Equity. New Mexico Association of Counties priority. Unanimously approved 5-0

Resolution No. 2013-99, Supporting non-residential real property sales disclosure. NMAC priority. Approved 4-1 (Commissioner Anaya voting against)

Resolution No. 2013-100, Supporting County Correctional Facility Gross Receipts Tax. NMAC priority. Unanimously approved 5-0

Proclamations and Presentations

A Presentation was given to provide the overview of Santa Fe County efforts for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

A Proclamation in recognition of the Santa Fe Business Incubator named by Entrepreneur Magazine as one of the Top Five Best Under the Radar Incubators was presented and unanimously approved 5-0

A Road Report was provided regarding Santa Fe County Road conditions due to recent weather

Matters from the Commission


Resolution No. 2013-97 establishing the Veterans Hiring Initiative for the purpose of increasing opportunities for veterans to obtain employment with Santa Fe County was unanimously approved 5-0


Appointment of Water Policy Advisory Committee members were unanimously passed


A request of five members to the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee was approved 4-1 (Commissioner Mayfield voting against)

Staff Items

Growth Management

Review and discussion of the Galisteo Property Redevelopment Request for Proposal (RFP)

Public Works Department

Resolution No. 2013-101, Authorizing and supporting an Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan for Santa fe County, to be submitted to the New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration and associated waiver of requirements of Resolution 2013-26 was unanimously approved 4-0 (Commissioner Anaya not present at vote)

Resolution No. 2013-102, Adopting the County’s Traffic Calming Policy applicable to certain county maintained roads was unanimously approved 5-0

Resolution No. 2013-103, Convening the County Improvement District Review Committee for the purposes of evaluation the petition and application for creation of the County Improvement District from the Las Lagunitas Homeowners Association in accordance with the County’s County Improvement District Policy and associated waiver of requirements of Resolution No. 2013-266 was unanimously approved 4-0 (Commissioner Stefanics was not present at vote)

Matters from the County Manger

North Central Regional Transit District Update

Public Safety Monthly Report

Human Resources Monthly Report

Financial Monthly Report ending August 31, 2013

Update on nomination for District 50 House Representative Seat

The BCC Packet is available online by clicking the BCC meeting event on the Events calendar or visiting the BCC committee page All approved Ordinances and Resolutions are available on the County website at once they are approved and recorded. All BCC meetings are broadcast live at, on Comcast Ch. 28 and on Que Suave AM 810. To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, visit Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at, once approved.