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September 27, 2016 BCC Summary

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC). Four of the five Commissioners were present, Commissioner Anaya was excused.

Employee Recognitions
• Recognition of Years of Service for Santa Fe County Employees
Ernest Alderte – Sheriff’s Office/Sheriff Deputy II – 5 years
Roy Arndt – Sheriff’s Office/Sheriff Deputy II – 5 years
Jacob Black – PSD/Fire /Firefighter/Paramedic– 5 years
Gregory Bobick – PSD/Fire/Firefighter/EMT-I – 5 years
Johnathon Hall – PSD/Fire/Firefighter/EMT-B – 5 years
Mark Hogan – PWD/Admin/Projects & Facilities Division Director – 5 years
William Van Herpe – PSD/Fire/Firefighter/EMT-I – 5 years
Lula Yount – CSD/Health & Human Services/Activity Program Director – 5 years
Michelle Mascarenas-Jackson – ASD/I.T./Systems Analyst Supervisor - 5 years
Andrew Armijo – CSD/Health & Human Services/Driver/Cook’s Assistant – 5 years
Rosemary Bailey – Growth Management/Affordable Housing Specialist – 10 years
Ronald Bransford – Assessor’s Office/Appraiser – 10 years
Eugene Brommer – PSD/Fire/Emergency Vehicle Technician – 10 years
Patricia Flores – Sheriff’s Office/Executive Assistant – 10 years
Erika Quintana – Clerk’s Office/Clerk’s Office Manger – 10 years
Phillip Martinez – PSD/Adult Facility/Adult Detention Officer FAC Corporal – 10 years
John M. Salazar – Growth Management Department/Dev. Review Specialist Sr. – 15 years
Jeff Trujillo – ASD/Administration/Admin. Services & Legal Department Director – 25 years
• Recognition of New Santa Fe County Employees
• Volunteer Recognitions
• Recognition of the El Dorado Volunteer Fire District

Consent Agenda, All Items Approved By Unanimous Vote 4-0
• Acceptance of Real Property Located at 2584 Lopez Lane to be Deeded to Santa Fe County.
• Approval of County Health Care Assistance Claims in the Amount of $97,137.15.
• Request to Make the FY2017 Budget, As Approved by the New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration-Local Government Division, a Part of the Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners, as Required by Section 6-6-5 NMSA 1978.

Resolutions - All Items Approved By Unanimous Vote 4-0
• Resolution No. 2016-100, Authorizes the Disposition of Fixed Assets in Accordance with State Statute.
• Resolution No. 2016-101, Authorizes the Disposition of Fixed Assets in Accordance with State Statute.
• Resolution No. 2016-102, Delegates Authority to the County Manager to Sign Applications to Transfer Water Rights to the County in Cases Where the Developer Requests County Water Utility Service and Office of the State Engineer Requests the Developer and the County to be Co-Applicants or It Is Otherwise in the County’s Interest to Be a Co-Applicant.
• Resolution No. 2016-103, A Budget Increase to the EMS Health Care Fund (232) for a New Mexico Department of Health Grant For Health Collaboration / $4,230.
• Resolution No. 2016-104, A Budget Increase to the Fire Operations Fund (244) to Budget FY2016 Fire Protection Grant Council Cash Balance for Various Fire District Revenue Fund for the County Fire Department / $91,578.
• Resolution No. 2016-105, A Net Budget Decrease to the Law Enforcement Operations Fund (246) for the DWI Seizure Grant and the United States Marshals Grant to Realign the FY2017 Budget to the FY2016 Budget Balance / -$15,359.
• Resolution No. 2016-106, Endorses the New Mexico Association of Counties’ Resolution to Support Certain Amendments to the New Mexico Whistleblower Protection Act During the 2017 Legislative Session.
• Resolution No. 2016-107, Endorses the New Mexico Association of Counties’ Resolution to Support Certain Amendments to the New Mexico Enhanced 911 Act During the 2017 Legislative Session.
• Resolution No. 2016-108, Endorses the New Mexico Association of Counties’ Resolution to Support Certain Amendments to the New Mexico Forfeiture Act During the 2017 Legislative Session.
• Resolution No. 2016-109, Endorses the New Mexico Association of Counties’ Resolution Supporting Legislation During the 2017 Session that Would Provide Counties Certain Rights and Protections Regarding Capital Outlay Appropriations to Non-Governmental Entities.
End of Consent Agenda

Miscellaneous approved under unanimous vote 4-0
• Change Order No. 3 to Contract No. 2016-0067-PW/BT in the Amount of $216,674.92, for a Total Project Cost of $2,792,862.02, for the Stanley Cyclone Center Project.
• A Six-Year Contract with Pictometry International Corporation in the Amount of $1,410,268.39 for Digital Ortho Aerial Imagery and Approval to Utilize Pricing Per GSA Contract No. GS-35F-0801N.
• Five Indefinite Quantity Price Agreements, Agreement Nos. 2016-0303-A, B, C, D, and E-PW-IC, with Midway Office Supply, Matthews Office Supply, Western Paper, Vertiv Operating Company, and Interline Brands Incorporated, Respectively, for Janitorial Supplies and Related Equipment and Grant Signature Authority to the County Manager to Execute All Purchase Orders Associated with these Agreements.
• Direct Purchase of Service Vendor Agreement; Nutrition Service Incentive Program (NSIP) Agreement; Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters; Assurances; Certification Regarding Lobbying; Resolution Authorization; and Letter of Commitment with the North Central New Mexico Economic Development District Non-Metro Area Agency on Aging in the Projected Amount of $450,074 (No. 2017-0101-CSD/BT).
• Senior Services 2016-2020 Strategic Plan.
• Santa Fe County Affordable Housing Agreement with RCS -Turquoise Trail South LLC, for Turquoise Trail North.
• Santa Fe County Affordable Housing Agreement with HOMEWISE, a New Mexico Corporation, for Tessera 2.
• Second Public Hearing on the Proposed Santa Fe County Animal Control Ordinance be Rescheduled from October 11, 2016, to a Later Date and that Title and General Summary of the Proposed Ordinance and New Hearing Date be Published.

Resolutions - Approved by Unanimous Vote 4-0
• Resolution No. 2016-110, Adopts the Open Space Management Plans for Los Potreros Open Space, La Cieneguilla Open Space, and San Pedro Open Space and Directing Staff to Implement the Plans.
• Resolution No. 2016-111, Recognizes La Cienega Valley Association as a Community Organization for La Cienega and La Cieneguilla Community District.
• Resolution No. 2016-112, Supports Conservation of Oil and Gas, A Natural Resource.
• Resolution 2016-113, Requests a Net Budget Increase to Various Capital Projects to Realign the FY2017 Budget to the FY2016 Balances / $1,424,659.
• Resolution 2016-114, An Increase to the Project Funding Allocation for the Chimayo Fire Station Addition, Cundiyo Fire and Community Center, Madrid Fire Station, Santa Fe County Civil War Monument and Women’s Health Building Renovations, and Requesting a Budget Increase in the State Special Appropriations Fund (318) to Budget Grants Received for Those Projects / $550,447.

Matters from the County Attorney
Executive Session
• Threatened or Pending Litigation in which Santa Fe County is or May Become a Participant, as Allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(7) NMSA 1978, Discussion of the Purchase, Acquisition or Disposal of Real Property or Water Rights, as allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(8) NMSA 1978, Discussion of Competitive Sealed Proposals Solicited Pursuant to the Procurement Code, as Allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(6) NMSA 1978, and Limited Personnel Matters, as Defined and as Allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(2) NMSA 1978, Including the Following:
o Right of Ways for County Roads
o Proposals Submitted in Response to RFP #2016-EBP-CM/HR, Employee Benefits for Santa Fe County
o Department, Division, and Office Heads
No action was taken as a result of Executive Session

Approved by unanimous vote 5-0 (Commissioner Anaya voted by phone)
• A Letter Notifying the State of New Mexico Risk Management Division Director of Santa Fe County’s Decision to Terminate Its Participation in the State Group Benefits Insurance Plan and/or Self-Insurance Plan.

Matters From the County Manager
• Miscellaneous Updates

Discussion/Information Items/Presentations
• Presentation and Update on Thornton Ranch Open Space Planning Process
• Presentation by the Regional Emergency Communications Center (RECC) on the Smart911 Application Being Implemented.

Matters of Public Concern
Information Items
• Growth Management Monthly Report
• Public Safety Monthly Report
• Public Works Monthly Report
• Human Resources Monthly Report
• Administrative Services Monthly Report
• Community Services Monthly Report
• Financial Report for the Month Ending August 31, 2016.

Concluding Business
• October 25, 2016 will be the Second Public Hearing on the Proposed Santa Fe County Animal Control Ordinance.

The BCC Packet is available online by clicking the BCC meeting event on the Events calendar or visiting the BCC committee page All approved Ordinances and Resolutions are available on the County website at once they are approved and recorded. All BCC meetings are broadcast live at, on Comcast Ch. 28 and on Que Suave AM 810. To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, visit Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at, once approved.