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September 30, 2014 BCC Summary

September 30, 2014 BCC Summary


Santa Fe, NM –Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC).  All five Commissioners were present.

BCC meeting minutes from August 26, 2014 approved by unanimous vote 5-0

Special BCC meeting from August 27, 2014 approved by unanimous vote 4-0 (Commissioner Chavez was not present for vote)

 New Employees were introduced by the County Manager

Employees were recognized for years of service with Santa Fe County:

Jessica Rodarte- Sheriff’s Office, 5 years

Axel Hernandez – Public Works Department, 5 years

Peter Roybal – Corrections Department, 5 years

Kenneth Smith – Health & Human Services, 10 years

Brandon Smith – Fire Department, 10 years

Marlene Garcia – Administrative Services, 15 years

Teresa Martinez –Manager’s Office, Finance Division Director, 15 years

Consent Calendar was unanimously approved 5-0, with one caption pulled by Commissioners Holian and Chavez.  Below are the items approved under the Consent Agenda:

Final Orders in Land Use Cases

  • Final order for CDRC Case # Z/V 13-5131 Ranch at Santa Fe Canyon.  Ranch at Santa Fe Canyon LLC (formerly Santa Fe Canyon Ranch LLC) Applicant, requests a Master Plan Amendment to the previously approved Master Plan to remove six tracts of land (845 acres) from the approved Master Plan. Includes a variance of Article VII, Section 6.6.2g (Water Budgets and Conservation Covenants) and Ordinance 2007-1 (Swimming Pool Ordinance) to allow the installation of one swimming pool on the 845 acres and to specify that water restrictions for landscaping and irrigation restrictions shall apply to 72-12-1 wells only. Approved by unanimous vote 5-0


  • Resolution No. 2014-90, A budget increase to the Capital Outlay GRT Fund to budget cash carryover to install a fence along County Rd. 98 / $12,500
  • Resolution No. 2014-91, A budget increase to the Law Enforcement Operations Fund  to budget six grant carryover balances from NMDOT and United States Marshals Services / $34,813.87
  • Resolution No. 2014-92, A budget increase to the Fire Operations Fund to Budget a 2015 NMAC Grant for the Rancho Alegre Firewise Project / $9,803.00. 
  • Resolution No. 2014-93, A budget increase to the Fire Operations Fund to Budget the FY-2014 available cash balance for the 2014 YCC Grant / $36,436.
  • Resolution No. 2014-94, Authorized the donation of Fixed Assets in accordance with state statute.


  • Approval of revised New Mexico State Land Office Agricultural Lease renewal for Thornton Ranch Open Space, Lease No. GO2406
  • Approval of amended CDBG Project Budget for the Greater Glorieta Waterline Project (CDBG No. 12-C-NR-I-01-G-36)

 (End Of Consent Agenda)

 Item pulled from Consent Agenda for discussion:

  • BCC CASE # PCEV 14-5120 Heather McCrea Vacation of Easement.  Heather McCrea, Applicant, request approval to vacate a platted twenty foot (20’) wide private ingress/egress and utility easement on one lot totaling 2.50 acres.  Tabled 3-2, (Commissioners Anaya and Mayfield voted against)

 Action Items

Appointments, passed by unanimous vote, 5-0

  • Appointment of AnnaMaria Cardinalli (District 1) to Health Policy and Planning Commission
  • Appointment of Anna Hamilton to the District 4 Seat on the Water Policy Advisory Committee

 Purchasing, passed by unanimous vote, 5-0

  • Approval to utilize the statewide price agreement to purchase 18 Police Interceptors and Vehicle Accessories for a total of $608,507.35 and authorizing the County Manager to sign and execute the purchase order.


  • Resolution 2014- 95, A budget increase to the Fire Operations Fund to budget the FY- 2014 available cash balances for Various Fire Districts Revenue Funds / $112,936, passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
  • Resolution 2014-96, A budget increase to the Fire Tax ¼ % Fund to budget available cash balance for the Pojoaque Fire Station Remodel Project/$153,000, passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
  • Resolution No. 2014-97, A budget increase to the GOB Series 2013 Fund to budget Cash Carryover to construct improvements to roads on the 2012 Capital Improvement Plan / $510,000, passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
  • Resolution 2014-98, A budget increase to the Law Enforcement Operations Fund to budget one grant awarded through the New Mexico Department of Transportation for Highway Safety Projects in the amount of $119,466, passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
  • Approval to change a current Temporary Clerical Position to Term as funded by a grant awarded through the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) for the DWI Seizure Program, passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
  • Resolution No. 2014-99, A budget increase to the Law Enforcement Operations Fund to budget the proceeds from the Sheriff’s Fleet Auction / $45,225.00, passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
  • Resolution No. 2014-100, A budget increase to the Fire Protection Fund to adjust the budget for the current year allocation to the actual distribution amount and to carry forward the FY-2014 available cash balance for expenditures in FY-2015 for a total amount of $1,507,827, passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
  • Resolution No. 2014-101, Articulation of county policies for the planning, design, and construction of the Aamodt Settlement Agreement Regional Water System, passed 3-2 (Commissioners Anaya and Mayfield voting against)
  • Resolution No. 2014-102, Authorizing the County Manager to execute all applications and other documents required to be filed with the New Mexico Office of the State Engineer in connection with the transfer of water rights pursuant to the Aamodt Litigation Settlement and for continuing the interim use by Santa Fe County of its Top of the World Farm water rights for irrigation at the Top of the World Farm until needed for the regional water system, passed by unanimous vote, 4-0 (Commissioner Anaya was not present for the vote)
  • Resolution No. 2014-103, Endorse the concept of Regionalization of Water and Wastewater Services for and within Santa Fe County, passed by unanimous vote, 4-0, (Commissioner Anaya was not present for vote)
  • Resolution No. 2014-104, Encourage New Mexico Association of Counties (NMAC) Member Counties to ensure that their Risk Management staff participates in NMAC Risk Management trainings and initiatives, and adopt comprehensive Risk Management policies and procedures, passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
  • Resolution 2014 – (tabled), Adopt policies and procedures for proposing weight limits on asphalt paved roads maintained by Santa Fe County. Item was tabled by unanimous vote, 5-0
  • Resolution No. 2014-105, Support the New Mexico Association of Counties’ Resolution to Maintain the Southwest Chief Amtrak Service, passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
  • Resolution No. 2014-106, Support the New Mexico Association of Counties’ Resolution on the Safety Net Care Pool, passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
  • A Resolution requesting to support the New Mexico Association of Counties’ Resolution on a Memorial creating a Public Lands Task Force was denied by unanimous vote, 5-0
  • Resolution No. 2014-107, Support the New Mexico Association of Counties’ Resolution on County Treasurers as Agents of the Property Tax Division, passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
  • Resolution No. 2014-108, Support the New Mexico Association of Counties’ Resolution on a Study of Housing Options and Service Delivery for Detention Inmates with Special Medical and Mental Health Needs, passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
  • Resolution No. 2014-109, Support the New Mexico Association of Counties’ Resolution to Clarify the Authority and Reasons Necessary for Tax Schedule Changes, passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
  • Resolution No. 2014-110, Support the New Mexico Association of Counties Resolution on Increased Detention Facilities Funding, passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
  • Resolution No. 2014-111, Support the New Mexico Association of Counties Resolution on County Industrial Revenue Bond Act Improvements, passed 3-2, (Commissioners Holian and Stefanics voted against)


  • Authorization to Publish Title and General Summary of an ordinance entitled, “An Ordinance Adopting the Solid Waste and Recycling Management Ordinance and Repealing Ordinance Nos. 2010-5, 2012-7, and 2014-6.”  passed by unanimous vote, 5-0
  • Authorization to Publish Title and General Summary of an Ordinance entitled, “An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 2011-3 Pertaining to Affordable Housing Roof Repair or Replacement.” passed by unanimous vote 4-0, (Commissioner Anaya not present for vote)


  • Presentation was provided by David Griscom, Growth Management on the International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA) Silver-Level Ride Center Award.
  • Presentation was provided by Russ Roundtree from Impressions Advertising on the Santa Fe County Advertising & Promotional Efforts Summary. 
  • Presentation by Claudia Borchert, Utilities on Santa Fe County Water Supply and Water Commitments was postponed to the October 14, 2014 Board of County Commissioner Regular Meeting.

 Matters from the County Manager

  • Miscellaneous Updates
  • Legislative Update
  • City County Meeting Update and Proposed Agenda

 Matters from County Attorney

Executive Session – Moved by Commissioner Holian and seconded by Commissioner Stefanics to enter executive session. Roll call vote approved 5-0.

  • Discussion of pending or threatened litigation
    • In The Matter of the Application of Public Service Company of New Mexico for Approval to Abandon San Juan Generating Station Units 2 and 3, Issuance of Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity for Replacement Power Resources, Issuance of Accounting Orders and Determination of Related Ratemaking Principles and Treatment, Public Service Company of New Mexico, Applicant, Public Regulation Commission Case No. 13-00390-UT. Commissioner Holian motioned, Commissioner Stefanics second - Passed by unanimous vote.
    • Threatened or Pending Litigation Concerning the Adult Detention Facility – No action taken
    • Discussion of Limited Personnel Matters related to managerial employees, as allowed by and defined in Section 10-15-1(H)(2) NMSA 1978 – No action taken
    • Discussion of the purchase, acquisition or disposal of real property or water rights, as allowed by Section 10-15-1(H)(8) NMSA 1978
      • Sale of Top of the World Farm and lease of Top of the World Farm water rights for irrigation at the Top of the World Farm until they are needed for the Regional Water System to be created pursuant to the Aamodt Settlement agreement.

Actions taken in Open Session subsequent to Executive Session

  • In The Matter of the Application of Public Service Company of New Mexico for Approval to Abandon San Juan Generating Station Units 2 and 3, Issuance of Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity for Replacement Power Resources, Issuance of Accounting Orders and Determination of Related Ratemaking Principles and Treatment, Public Service Company of New Mexico, Applicant, Public Regulation Commission Case No. 13-00390-UT, the Board of County Commissioners voted to oppose the portion of any stipulated settlement concerning stranded asset recovery if any cost of stranded assets is proposed to be recovered from ratepayers.  The vote on this item was 4-1, with Commissioners Chavez, Holian, Mayfield, and Stefanics voting in favor and Commissioner Anaya voting against.
  • The Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No. 2014-112, A Resolution Authorizing the County Manager to Negotiate the Sale of the Top of the World Farm and Lease of Santa Fe County’s Top of the World Farm Water Rights and Execute all Documents Necessary to Consummate Such Transactions.  This resolution was adopted on a vote of 4-0, with Commissioner Anaya abstaining.

 Information Items provided to the Board for the Record

  • Growth Management Monthly Report
  • Public Safety Monthly Report
  • Public Works Monthly Report
  • Human Resources Monthly Report
  • Administrative Services Monthly Report
  • Community Services Monthly Report
  • Financial report for the month ending August 31, 2014
  • Intergovernmental Report

 Public Hearings

Ordinance No. 2014-___, to amend and restate Ordinance 2012-12 as amended, an Ordinance enacting a Santa Fe County Code of Conduct; and repealing Ordinance No. 2011-9.  (First Public Hearing) Public Hearing was opened and continued to October 14, 2014, Board of County Commissioner Regular Meeting. (No action taken)