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Summary of January 12 BCC Meeting Summary

Summary of January 12 BCC Meeting Summary


Santa Fe – January 14, 2010 – Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners:


County Clerk Valerie Espinoza recognized the service and dedication of 11-year veteran of the Bureau of Elections, Christine Fidel. Ms. Espinoza said of Ms. Fidel, “She is the oldest and wisest among us and always welcomes visitors to the County with grace and charm.”


The Commissioners made the following announcements:

· The Interfaith Alliance is seeking support for shelter facilities and furnishings. The National Guard has been contacted about providing cots

· Commissioner Stefanics met with primary care providers regarding streamlining requirements to draw down indigent funds

· The RFP for an entity to assist in the renewable energy financing program has closed and contract negotiations are underway with Renewable Funding. Town hall meetings to give details of the program will be announced

· Thanks were extended to Public Works for their help in ribbon cutting ceremonies for the Stanley transfer station and County Road 42

· County chambers are now enlivened by pictures of the Camino Jacobo Mural project. Commissioner Vigil thanked all who participated.

· County Manager Abeyta was thanked for organizing this year’s legislative luncheon

· Chairman Montoya thanked those involved in job creation at the Buckman Diversion project


Community Funds:

· $500 was approved for the Pojoaque Valley Intermediate School to participate in YES Educational Workshop

· $500 for the Santa Fe County 4-H Turquoise Trail Wranglers

· $500 for the Santa Fe Rape Crisis and Trauma Treatment Center


There was unanimous approval for:

A lease agreement whereby LifeLink can use a County-owned building on Luana Street for its Club House program. This agreement is cost-neutral for the County
A mortgage and loan agreement between Santa Fe County, La Luz Holdings and Santa Fe Film and Media Studios, Inc.
A LEDA film grant agreement from DFA and EDD
An administrative fee of $5 to be levied on taxpayers owing $5 or less of property tax
The reauthorization of a number of grants previously terminated by DFA in the amount of $2.030,683.30
The reappointment of four CDRC members for an additional year. They include Jon Paul Romero, Dan Dayton, Charlie Gonzales and Jim Salazar

Resolutions were unanimously [5-0] approved to:

Request the continuation of the current hold-harmless gross receipts tax distribution, allowing for food purchases by county residents to be exempt from GRT
Authorize three grant applications to the US Bureau of Reclamation in the amount of approximately $125,000
Establish this year’s Open Meetings Act, determining reasonable notice for boards and committees, with stipulations about cancellation notice and provisions for telephonic participation
Exclude the Silverado Area from the San Marcos District Community Plan

Manager’s Updates:

Judicial Complex – The slurry wall is under construction and there will be an information tour on Thursday, January 14th at 10 a.m. County staff and NMED will be present to take questions from the public

Budget Meetings – Meetings continue on budget issues and a special session will be called for the first week in February to discuss the current situation


The following Commission appointments were made for the coming year:

Buckman Direct Diversion Board: Commissioner Vigil and Commissioner Stefanics. Alternate: Commissioner Montoya

Regional Transit District: Commissioner Stefanics

Alternate: Penny Ellis-Green

Metropolitan Planning Organization: Chairman Anaya, Commissioner Stefanics and Commissioner Vigil.

Alternate: Commissioner Holian

Solid Waste Management Authority: Commissioner Holian, Commissioner Montoya and Commissioner Vigil.

Alternate: Chairman Anaya

Regional Planning Authority: Commissioner Holian, Commissioner Montoya, Commissioner Stefanics and Commissioner Vigil.

Alternate: Chairman Anaya

Extraterritorial Land Use Authority: Commissioner Holian, Commissioner Montoya and Chairman Anaya.

Alternate: Commissioner Vigil

North Central Economic Development District: Commissioner Montoya.

Alternate: Duncan Sill



CDRC Case #VAR 09-5020 Karen Esquibel: DENIED 3-2
CDRC Case # S 06-5031 The Village At Galisteo Basin Preserve: TABLED

CDRC Case #VAR 09-5400 Nikolos Cecere: APPROVED 4-1

CDRC Case #VAR 09-5420 William Gooch: APPROVED 5-0

CDRC Case #VAR 09-5340 Robert Garcia: APPROVED 5-0

BCC Case # MIS 09-5490 La Paloma Group LLC Liquor License: APPROVED 5-0

BCC Case # MIS 09-5070 Santa Fe Opera Master Plan Extension: APPROVED 4-0

CDRC Case # MP/PDP/DP 09-5180 Parker NM 599:APPROVED 5-0

CDRC Case #S 08-5210 Sandstone Pines Estates: SENT TO CDRC 3-2

CDRC Case # S 09-5211 Saddleback Ranch: TABLED 5-0

CDRC Case # VAR 09-5160 Hume Variance: APPROVED 5-0