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Summary of November 10 Commission Meeting

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners: 

 The Commissioners made the following announcements:

· Public Outreach regarding the Aamodt Settlement will occur with Darcy Bushnell from the Utton Center answering questions and concerns.

· Vacant position in the County Development Review Committee

· Commissioner Holian attended the Quivera Coalition conference. This organization strives to bring together ranchers and environmentalists.

· A group of interested counties affected by possible changes at LANL has begun to meet.

· 5,000 CFL light bulbs are to be given away by the Sierra Club and PNM to County employees on November 13. The Commissioners were encouraged to distribute the light bulbs to constituents.


Community Funds: By unanimous voice vote, the Commission approved the following expenditures:

· $500 was approved for the Pojoaque Middle School History Club

· $300 for the Pojoaque Elks Basketball Program.


Budget Adjustmentswere approved [5-0] in the form of resolution:

An increase to purchase Santa Fe Canyon Ranch

Increase a CDBG Grant for $500,000 and carry over $770,000 in capital reserves for the Valle Vista wastewater system

Allocate $50,000 to the Agua Fria/Ben Lane sewer project

Transfer $17,384 in salary savings to the Assessors Department

Budget $5,485 in DOJ funds for safety vests for the Sheriff’s Department

Budget $272,000 for a decontamination trailer from Department of Homeland Security funds

Establish a GRT bond series of $12,745,126 to acquire water rights

There was unanimous approvalfor:

United Way’s Project Launch - an MOA and PSA with the Department of Health allowing for $733,000
Trust for Public Land - donation of 2.7 acres of land

Amending Southwest Archeological Consultants’ contract for the Agua Fria site, increasing the funding and extending the time to allow for additional activities

Authorization for the County Manager to execute a construction contract for the South Meadows road improvement project

Resolutionswere unanimously [5-0] approved to:

Establish an information-sharing forum regarding budgets and annexation issues with the City, Santa Fe Community Colleges and the public schools

Support Senate legislation on a Mayors’ Climate Protection Act that will set science-based targets and timetables, establish a cap and auction trade system, find the cheapest and cleanest solutions and make use of incentives, protect the most vulnerable, stimulate clear energy jobs and allow for emissions regulations

Support the local option for the Liquor Excise Tax to generate up to $2 million for substance abuse programs

Urge adoption of the Governor’s DWI 2010 legislation which mandates jail time, clarifies the definition of second degree murder and prohibits “pleading down” DWI offenses

Refinance callable general obligation bonds from 1999 and 2001 in the amount of $13,335,000 to save $936,000

Inmate Confinement agreements were approved with the Pueblos of Sandia and Cochiti, and the counties of Socorro, Taos, Mora and Quay.

Ordinances Approvedby unanimous voice vote:
Solid Waste Ordinance: will expands services and increases fees for County residents

Affordable Housing Assistance Ordinance: will allow for a three-year developer infrastructure subsidy up to $10k, three-year homebuyer down-payment assistance for Santa Fe County’s workforce of up to $10k, and the administration of all program in-house.


Other Updates:

Judicial Complex - Measures were unanimously passed to authorize amendments to redesign the judicial complex: one for $33,850 to NCA Architects for the underground parking, and others totaling $2,747,129.52 for remediation, dewatering, downtime payments, and building the pit lining/bathtub. Still pending is authorization for the barrier wall and disposition of the removed soil.

Fire Chief Stan Holden spoke in favor of the upcoming ballot measure on the Fire Excise Tax. Approval will yield $1.7 to $2 million yearly, collected, and expended in the County to pay for needed equipment and facilities. County residents will be safer and ISO ratings will lower insurance rates.

State Capital Outlay – There is uncertainty in terms of the County’s projects.

An MOA to give priority to maintenance that had been deferred on County roads in the first phase of annexation as part of the settlement agreement was tabled. County Manager Roman Abeyta explained that once the potholes are repaired and grading done the roads can be removed from the County’s inventory.

Land Use Administrator Jack Kolkmeyer proposed changes to the Metropolitan Planning Organization JPA – to add Tesuque Pueblo and the NCRTD as members, restate federal regulations, clarify organizational structure, remove duplicate language, and revise the Transportation Analysis Zone Map.

County Hydrologist Karen Torres provided a summary outlining changes to the application pending before the Office of the State Engineer for the planned conjunctive management well locations arrived at by map-based analysis. There was Commission consensus to establish a community focus group to ensure adequate input and develop outreach and communication.

One Beacon was approved [4-1] as the County’s insurer for the sum of $1,346,509, including premiums and deductible expenses. [Commissioner Vigil voting against]

Request to Increase the County Surveyor’s Salary was withdrawn.

The following Land Use applications were tabled:

· The Santa Fe Opera Master Plan Extension.

· Sandstone Pines Estates 12-lot residential subdivision

· The Village at Galisteo Basin Preserve – Commonweal Conservancy Inc

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All BCC meetings are broadcast live at To view recorded video of this BCC meeting, go to or check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at