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Surface Repaving Project to begin on Old Lamy Trail

Surface Repaving Project to begin on Old Lamy Trail

The Santa Fe County Public Works Department would like to notify residents that the Old Lamy Trail (Santa Fe County Road 33) surface repaving project will begin the week of July 22. The repaving project will take place on Old Lamy Trail extending east from US 285 approximately 1.54 miles to the Village of Lamy. Cutler Repaving is the contractor for the Santa Fe County Public Works Department project.

In order to accommodate traffic safely through this work zone, lane closures and the use of a pilot car operation will be required. The duration of this repaving construction will extend five days and Old Lamy Trail will remain open at all times.

Drivers should expect full lane closures and allow additional time to negotiate this work zone. If you require additional information about this road work, contact Diego Gomez, Santa Fe County Road Maintenance Manager at 992-3010 or